Il magico potere del riordino
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Il caos degli oggetti inutili soffoca non solo le nostre case, ma anche le nostre anime. Marie Kondo invita a liberarci di tutto ciò che non ci ispira emozione, perché solo circondandoci di cose che ci danno gioia potremo essere felici.
La vita vera comincia dopo aver riordinato.
Nel libro che l’ha resa una star, la giapponese Marie Kondo ha messo a punto un metodo che garantisce l’ordine e l’organizzazione degli spazi domestici… e insieme la serenità, perché nella filosofia zen il riordino fisico è un rito che produce incommensurabili vantaggi spirituali: aumenta la fiducia in sé stessi, libera la mente, solleva dall’attaccamento al passato, valorizza le cose preziose, induce a fare meno acquisti inutili. Rimanere nel caos significa invece voler allontanare il momento dell’introspezione e della conoscenza.
- ISBN: 8869876616
- Casa Editrice: Vallardi
- Pagine: 256
- Data di uscita: 26-04-2018
This book did not spark joy. Therefore, I am discarding it.
Do you like talking to furniture? Do you believe shirts have souls? Are you insane? This might be the book for you.
"Personally, I recommend hanging sponges outside, such as on the veranda." Quite possibly the funniest line I have ever read in a book. Because she is dead serious. Although there were several helpful sections about how to declutter and organize your home, much of this book is ridiculously funny. This Leggi tutto
" Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth. " --Mary Schmich. I'm trying, Mary. I really am Leggi tutto
Looking for a new book but don't want to commit? Check out my latest BooktTube Video: One & Done - all about fabulous standalones! Now that you know this one made the list - check out the video to see the rest! The Written Review : The question of what you want to own is actually
I laughed out loud four times reading this book. Otherwise, it's the ravings of a lunatic. Funniest moments include the author bursting into tears when she discovers a smudge of bathroom slime on the bottom of her shampoo bottle and that she believes if you have 80 rolls of toilet paper in your hous Leggi tutto
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