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Ci sono coppie in perenne calma piatta. Annie e Duncan lo sanno bene. Convivono da quindici anni a Gooleness, torpida cittadina inglese sul mare, e la loro esistenza è scandita da qualche lettura in comune, l’uscita di un nuovo film, ogni tanto un concerto a Londra. Non hanno figli e nemmeno rischiano di averne, vista l’evanescenza della loro vita sessuale. Ma da un po’ di tempo Annie prova un impellente desiderio di maternità, mentre Duncan non fa che coltivare la sua unica, ossessiva passione: Tucker Crowe, cantante cult americano sparito dalla scena musicale intorno alla metà degli anni Ottanta. La venerazione per Tucker, condivisa via Internet da qualche centinaio di adepti sparsi per il mondo, assorbe ogni istante delle sue giornate e Annie comincia a chiedersi che senso abbia continuare una relazione che forse è stata solo una perdita di tempo. In questa quiete inamovibile, a Duncan arriva per posta una versione inedita dell’album più famoso di Tucker. È la scintilla che innesca una serie di eventi inaspettati, che porterà l’insoddisfatta Annie a conoscere Tucker in persona... Il romanzo di Nick Hornby si snoda sotto il binomio amore e musica, ma coglie anche in modo inatteso, originale, il tema della creatività e dei suoi alti e bassi, incarnato da questo ex musicista squattrinato in perpetua crisi, titanico esempio di fallito sentimentale.
- ISBN: 8823502209
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 332
- Data di uscita: 08-11-2012
Why do we read? No, it’s not a rhetorical question. It’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot the last few days. I mean, yeah.. the obvious reasons… to access information, to brush up on our morality, because we’ve been assigned to. So we can have uh.. passionate discussions, hook up, impre Leggi tutto
Juliet, Naked is the out-of-nowhere new album release by reclusive American music artist Tucker Crow. Annie has given 15 years of her life to be living in the drab, but almost kitsch, Northern England seaside town Gooleness, with the No.1 most obsessive online Tucker Crow fan, her boyfriend Duncan.
If you’re familiar with Nick Hornby, or better still, if you’ve read this book, then the following quiz will test how well your impressions correlate with mine. If you’re not familiar with Hornby, but are clued in to my own predilections (a puerile sense of humor among them), this will measure your Leggi tutto
The first half of this book is Hornby at his best – creating interesting, believable characters and exploring the dynamics of relationships with his usual ear for dialogue and understanding of people’s often highly personal obsessions and motivations. Surprisingly however, once all the characters ar Leggi tutto
“Juliet, Naked” spoke to me on a personal level at this point in my life, right after the end of a long term relationship. Nick Hornby really nails the emotions of a breakup, and the painful recognition of a stagnant life. So many folks are together because of the presence of a comfortable mundane r Leggi tutto
Well that was... extremely disappointing 😐
It’s funny, writing a review of this book, because in many ways, I’m Duncan, the obsessed fan who puts the book’s plot into motion. Nick Hornby is something of a hero of mine. I read a lot as a kid, but sort of got away from it as I got older, as it seems so many people do these days. But then I rea Leggi tutto
Nick Hornby is at his best when he writes about music. He has that inexplicable ability to convey what music means in a way that seems incredibly personal to him and yet universal at the same time. He’s so good when he writes about music that it often seems like he’s the first one to express that th Leggi tutto
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