Il cannocchiale d'ambra
Tradotto da: Francesco Bruno
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Una storia epica che supera i confini tra cielo e terra
in un'entusiasmante e poetica unione di avventura, filosofia e mito
Lyra, ragazzina impetuosa, appassionata, onestissima e ingenua bugiarda, e Will, orgoglioso, sensibile, leale e coraggioso, ma sfuggente come un gatto: i due, provenienti da mondi diversi si sono incontrati, scontrati e sono poi diventati amici per la pelle. Will è in possesso della lama sottile, un misterioso coltello che permette il passaggio tra i mondi e che ora è l’unico mezzo per liberare Lyra, tenuta addormentata dalla signora Coulter in una grotta del suo mondo. Ma Will non è l’unico a cercare la ragazzina, centro di un’antica profezia delle streghe: la Chiesa, da cui la signora Coulter, sua madre, ora si sta nascondendo, ha decretato la morte di Lyra; suo padre, Lord Asriel, la cerca perché sa che senza di lei Will, portatore del potentissimo coltello, non si unirà a lui nella battaglia finale contro l’Autorità.
Will e Lyra sono coscienti di avere un compito importante da svolgere, ma non sanno quale sia...
- ISBN: 8850267290
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 448
- Data di uscita: 15-09-2023
This is the way the world endsNot with a bang but a whimper. -T.S. Eliot Warning: Contains spoilers. The Amber Spyglass is the final volume in His Dark Materials trilogy. I really enjoyed Northern Lights (or The Golden Compass as it is titled in the US), the first volume of the trilogy. Pullman introduc Leggi tutto
Okay....first...make no mistake, this review contains spoilers. Now, having read the first book (5 stars) and the second book (3 stars) I had some hope for this book. But, this book was an excruciating head-hammering look at an author making all the wrong moves. 1: Lyra's sublimation to Will becomes Leggi tutto
For a more in depth review, check out this video: Plus meet my daemon (I mean cat)! #1 Philip Pullman fan here! So how is Mr. Pullman going to pull together the entire His Dark Materials Trilogy? We will find out. Some have said that the pacing is a bit off in this book; h Leggi tutto
My entire review could be this: Phillip Pullman's "The Amber Spyglass" is one of the poorest closing books of a trilogy ever written. But I feel compelled to continue. At one point, I actually stopped reading "The Amber Spyglass," put it down and vowed not to finish, but I wanted to be able to slag
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I would not have read this book were it not for my friend Pat E. who told me several years ago that it was one of the best books she had ever read, and also said it was the first children’s book to have won England’s prestigious Whitbread Prize for Literature. So I read the whole series over the nex Leggi tutto
- George, wake up! - Ungh... what time is it? - I think about four am. You were having a nightmare. - Mmmn. - Hey, you're shaking. Come over here. It's alright. Do you want to tell me about it? - Ann Coulter and Satan jump into the void and pull him down with them. The evil archangel. - I'm sorry? - Ah, Leggi tutto
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