La serie che ha conquistato il cuore di milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo.
Un inno all'amore, alla speranza e al perdono.
Perché non è mai troppo tardi per cercare la felicità…
Per la prima volta disponibili in un solo ebook, tutti i romanzi della serie RUIN, compreso il racconto speciale Ricordati di sperare.
- ISBN: 8842930121
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 1153
- Data di uscita: 29-06-2017
This series will just own you and make you want to one click the final book Shame just to spend the day and binge reading. Ruin Ruin may just ruin you. Bring on the tears and fall in love with Weston and Kiersten. I love how Wes and Kiersten save each other, heal each other. Their love will just pull Leggi tutto
Bella, emozionante, sensibile, coinvolgente, esaltante, commovente… non credo che siano abbastanza per descrivere questa storia. Perchè, cari lettori, WES MICHAELS è tutto questo e anche di più. Di tutti i libri di questa serie, il primo, Ricordati di sognare, i quali protagonisti erano Kiersten e We Leggi tutto
You, Rachel Van Dyken are one hell of a writer. You just made me cry and laugh like a mad person in front of my classmates reading this book. Got the best insight on life in general and loved it all. So thank you for creating an amazing book 📙
RUIN book 1 wow and very emotional with the main characters Kiersten and Wes .. wow very awestruck and it is very true on miracles can happen Wes being a fighter and not letting the Cancer get to him even when he could of give up but when Kiersten walks in things change and he fights even harder ... Leggi tutto
Why oh why did it take me so long to read anything by Rachel Van Dyken?! Ruin, Toxic, and Fearless were absolutely amazing and are now on my list of favorite books. Once I started reading the box set, I seriously couldn't stop reading it and hated that I had to put it down instead of just sitting an Leggi tutto
Emotional, well written, pretty clean stories I enjoyed reading these stories. the chemistry between the characters was the "instant" type you see in many romance novels, but there was still "the chase" that can sometimes be missing from stories. The author did a great job with the characters and all Leggi tutto
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