L'amore è un gioco pericoloso
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Pensavo fosse facile. Ma poi ho incontrato te…
Ian Hunter è un uomo che non si arrende. Quando ha dovuto rinunciare alla carriera di giocatore di football professionista a causa di un incidente, Ian non si è perso d'animo. È tornato al college, ha ricominciato a studiare e ha fondato la Wingmen Inc, un’agenzia che si offre di aiutare le persone a conquistare l'anima gemella. Non che Ian creda davvero nell'amore: per lui, le donne sono solo un divertimento. Sul lavoro, invece, è serissimo, al punto che la sua regola d'oro è «mai lasciarsi coinvolgere da una cliente». Ma tutte le sue certezze vanno in frantumi nel momento in cui incontra Blake. Sguardo innocente e sorriso disarmante, Blake è la classica brava ragazza da cui uno come Ian dovrebbe stare alla larga. Anche perché lei ha richiesto i servigi della Wingmen per farsi notare dall'uomo dei suoi sogni, che ovviamente è affascinante, responsabile e soprattutto fedele. Eppure, più tempo passa con Blake, più Ian si rende conto di quanto la sua esistenza sia vuota e superficiale; di quanto in fondo al cuore senta il bisogno di avere accanto qualcuno non solo per una notte, ma per sempre. Convincere una ragazza riservata e seria come Blake a dare una chance al più incallito don Giovanni della città non sarà un'impresa facile. Per fortuna, Ian Hunter è un uomo che non si arrende…
- ISBN: 8842929778
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 342
- Data di uscita: 15-06-2017
re-read 3/19/2018 "Men are suckers for long hair. I think it goes back to the early days when cavemen would grab women by the hair and tug them back to their hay beds and make sweet love to them." ➦Who loves romcoms? ➦So, as you have probably guessed this one really hit the spot. I just lo
3.5 stars The Matchmaker’s Playbook is such a cute read! Ian Hunter is the big man on campus and the mastermind behind Wingmen Inc. He uses his skills to help women get the man they’ve got their eyes set on. Then he meets Blake Olson and everything changes. At first Blake seems impossible. Then he ge Leggi tutto
3.5 STARS "So who better to teach women how not to get played than an actual player?" This story was a whole lot of fun as it’s told in completely in the all male POV of the hero, Ian Hunter. Ian and his best friend Lex run a word of mouth dating service for woman helping them get the guy of thei
DN-fucking-F!!! I tried to read this. I really did. But, the main asshole character was such a horrible person that he gave a whole new meaning to the words: Douchebag Fuckboy. Ian, welcome to my list.
Currently on sale! Amazon US * Amazon UK Re-read 3/4/18 Ian Hunter thought he had his whole future mapped out. Get drafted into the NFL, kick ass on the field, get lots of ladies, and become a football legend. His big plan crashed and burned, though, after an accident ended his career and left him lost Leggi tutto
2.5 stars Damn the mixed feelings I'm having about this one. Let's start with the narration. I'm not so sure I liked it. The book is narrated from a male POV and it was VERY clear that a female author had written it. It was just so....cheery, all the time. I'm pretty sure if this were a movie it would Leggi tutto
5 Hook me Up stars The Matchmaker’s Playbook is a standalone and is part of the Wingmen Inc. series. Each book focuses on the males that run the company. This book is really funny. If you like the way Rachel Van Dyken wrote the Consequence series you will not be disappointed with this one, it has the Leggi tutto
3.5 stars Ian Hunter is a get-the-guy-you-want specialist. Set in college, he owns his own side business and arranges meetings with the mousy, non confident girls and gives them tips, lessons & practice on how to snare the guys they desperately want. Involves fake dates, practice kissing, making said Leggi tutto
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