Tradotto da: Maria Teresa Carbone
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Introduzione di Romolo Runcini
Traduzione di Maria Teresa Carbone
Kimball O’Hara, detto Kim, è un ragazzo quattordicenne figlio di un sottufficiale dell’Armata britannica di stanza in India. Rimasto orfano di entrambi i genitori nella prima infanzia, è cresciuto libero e solo per le strade polverose di Lahore, formandosi alla scuola della saggezza e dell’astuzia orientali. Un giorno incontra un lama sceso dalle montagne del Tibet per andare in cerca di un misterioso fiume sacro in cui purificarsi e ne diventa il discepolo e la guida. Insieme intraprendono un lungo pellegrinaggio attraverso l’India che costituisce la vera traccia del romanzo: affrontando le prove e gli ostacoli della vita, Kim diventerà adulto, riannoderà i legami con il suo paese d’origine, e con scaltrezza e sprezzo del pericolo porterà a termine importanti missioni per il servizio di spionaggio britannico. Racconto picaresco ricco di suggestive descrizioni dei paesaggi e dei costumi indiani, in cui si confrontano Oriente e Occidente, il compassato mondo inglese e la vitale cultura indigena, Kim (1901) è anche il viaggio nella memoria di uno scrittore innamorato di una terra «diversa», magica e terribile.
- ISBN: 8811602726
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 352
- Data di uscita: 07-06-2018
Kim , 13, a lonely, British orphan boy, born in India, his widowed father, was in Queen Victoria's army, but he died, a hopeless, pathetic, drunk. Kim's full name is Kimball O'Hara, the poorest of the poor, who lives mostly, in the slum streets of Lahore, the Punjab (now part of Pakistan). Sometimes Leggi tutto
Although somewhat drowned in Orientalist ideals and British colonialism, Kim is an exciting tale of espionage and adventure for kids of all ages 9 to 99. It is an exciting read. I just with that Kipling had been a little less bigoted towards the Empire. Nonetheless, probably the peak of his writing
Kim served as inspiration for my novel "The Game", the seventh entry in the Mary Russell series. Feel free to come and join in the discussion, even if you come across this after December has passed--the discussion will remain open indefinitely for new thoughts and comments. Click for more inform
The best work of Rudyard Kipling. In it, he explored many of his childhood memories of India, and it is generally considered to be his most successful full-length novel.
You know those books that you know from the very first page, you’re going to love it… this wasn’t that. You know those other books that start out slow and it takes you awhile, but soon you find yourself hooked? Nope, this was not one of those either. In fact, I made it through the entire book withou Leggi tutto
I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I was going to. When I was in school Kipling was largely dismissed as a colonialist and children’s writer. This is a much grander piece. Although Kim has sometimes been seen as a boy’s book, I can’t imagine any 12 year old reading it today. It has some a Leggi tutto
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