Il labirinto dei libri sognanti
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Abbiamo lasciato Librandia in preda a un devastante incendio. Ora, duecento anni dopo, la città dei libri sognanti è risorta dalle sue ceneri, più splendida di prima. Ma nei labirinti delle sue catacombe si nascondono misteri inquietanti che solo Ildefonso de’ Sventramitis, il più grande scrittore zamonico, ha il coraggio di narrare in queste pagine… Fanatici della carta stampata tremate, perché se ancora siete convinti che i libri siano innocui, ben presto vi ricrederete!
- ISBN: 8869181553
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 464
- Data di uscita: 04-06-2015
I LOVED LOVED LOVED "City of Dreaming Books", and all other novels of Zamonia. This, however, was painful to read and at the end I feel like I wasted my time. Where Moers other books are lusciously detailed and full of sensory elements, this was excessively detailed and full of descriptions of every Leggi tutto
Ah, Moers! Only Moers can manage to write a brick where nothing really happens, which is but a prelude to the story to come, where you still are glued to the pages and not feel bored for one single paragraph. And then you finish the book, and only then do you realize how long it was and how little h Leggi tutto
Nach "die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher" habe ich alles was Walter Moers geschrieben hat gelesen. Ich habe mit Sehnsucht auf einer Fortsetzung gehofft. Gestern war es so weit gekommen: ich habe "Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher" mit der Post bekommen. Jetzt hab ich es gelesen und bin unfassbar entä Leggi tutto
The English version can be found below. ----------- German version: Ich war aufgrund der negativen Rezensionen etwas skeptisch, wie ich das Buch finden würde. Habe aber dann versucht relativ neutral an das Lesen zu gehen! ☺️ Man muss schließlich auch bedenken, dass es wahrscheinlich schwer ist, an den Leggi tutto
4,5 Sterne. Mir fehlte ein wenig der rote Faden, aber das Ende war wieder einmal großartig!
BRAVO! MARVELLOUS! I really, honestly thought that nothing could top The City of Dreaming Books , volume 1 in this inner-series trilogy. Boy, was I wrong. This book, volume 2, while being slightly different (naturally or it wouldn't be original) is just as wonderful! Not that the other entries in the Leggi tutto
DNF - 70%. For the first 150 pages or so, I didn't mind the lack of plot. New Bookholm, rebuilt after the last one burned down at the end of City of Dreaming Books , is a charming rabbithole of historical digressions, old friends, a night of bookish barhopping - all narrated by Optimus Yarnspinner, w Leggi tutto
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