Da Parigi alla luna
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In pagine pervase dall'ironia e dalla sottile tensione tra due culture che si guardano con reciproco sospetto e ineffabile attrazione, Gopnik racconta quanto sia complicato procurarsi un tacchino per il giorno del Ringraziamento durante uno sciopero generale, o un appartamento in affitto ai tempi di uno scandalo immobiliare; di come gli addobbi natalizi francesi risultino incomprensibili a un newyorkese, o di come lo stesso newyorkese finisca per promuovere una rivolta fra i clienti di una brasserie minacciata dalla globalizzazione. Come in una chiacchierata tra vecchi amici, l'autore di Una casa a New York ci fa riscoprire una città romantica, ingarbugliata, fragile, ma anche moderna, concreta e, soprattutto, orgogliosamente viva.
- ISBN: 8860886449
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 384
- Data di uscita: 10-11-2011
I have to be honest. I bought this book because I liked the title. Then I got sucked in by the back cover. Who doesn't think the idea of running away w/ your adult family to Paris wouldn't be fantastic? Gopnik is excellent at revealing the sutle differences between life in the States and France that Leggi tutto
I am one of those people (and we are legion) who have an unrequited love affair going with Paris. It's not that Paris disdains or rejects me, of course; Paris has no idea I exist and wouldn't care less if she knew. Sigh. Adam Gopnik's book is one more love letter from another lover of Paris, and his Leggi tutto
The first reason this book was written, I believe, was so the author could impress all us ignorant English speakers with his knowledge of French. Actually, he should have just written this book in French and not annoyed us English speakers at all. The second reason was to greatly impress us with hav Leggi tutto
کتاب شامل ۹ جستاره و موضوعات خیلی متنوعی رو شامل میشه. تمایزی که نسبت به باقی کتابهای جستار نشر اطراف داره، رویهی علمیتر و تحلیلیترِ نویسنده در مواجهه با موضوعات کتابه. مثلا در یکی از جستارها آدام گاپنیک راجع به شکلگیری ذائقهی خوراک آدمها حرف میزنه و از سه رویکرد مختلف و با نمایندگی سه نویسن Leggi tutto
There's some valuable stuff in this book, but mostly it's a lot of New-Yorker-house-style pseudo-profundity from a writer who's not particularly aware of his own privilege.
I wanted to like it -an expat living in Paris raising his first child but ugh. Esoteric literary snobbery. Long winded. Exhausting. I skimmed a bunch.
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