Quando eravamo grandi
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Arrivata a cinquantatré anni, Rebecca Davitch si rende conto che la sua vita non è stata come avrebbe desiderato. Sposatasi giovanissima e rimasta vedova dopo pochi anni, si è trovata a vestire i panni del capofamiglia e a portare avanti l'attività di catering della suocera. E ora, all'improvviso, ha la sensazione un po' amara di aver vissuto un'esistenza diversa da quella che avrebbe voluto. Ritrova allora un amore giovanile, riscoprendo così il suo passato di ragazza.
- ISBN: 8882463575
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 291
- Data di uscita: 21-09-2001
“There is no true life. Your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be.” I think Anne Tyler is a very deceptive writer. She has quickly catapulted into one of my all-time favorites, mainly because she captures our humanity in the most unpretentious and truthful (and thus powerful) man Leggi tutto
4.5 rounded up I’m not sure exactly why I enjoyed and loved this read so much but I truly did. Maybe because it felt so wholesome. At the beginning the amount of characters that were immediately presented overwhelmed me but once I got a hang of who was who I ended up really liking the quirkiness of Leggi tutto
I've known for a while now that my life will turn out to be nothing like what I thought (and currently think) it will be. Being in my early twenties betrays me as merely knowing this in theory, and I'm sure several more levels of heady realization will hit me as I age. But reading this book was a va Leggi tutto
This book was really good because it, once again, is one of those stories that Anne Tyler is best at writing. A story about a large family with lots of dynamic going on. In this specific family, 53-year-old Rebecca has started feeling out of place and she wonders what her life would've been like if
"Back When We Were Grown Ups" is my first Anne Tyler book. I received it as a gift from my sister and I immediately hated the cover. However, I opened up the book and was drawn into the character of Rebecca almost immediately. She is such a well-crafted creation. She is in her mid fifties, a widow f Leggi tutto
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