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La vita di Macon Leary è organizzata con la precisione di un meccanismo a orologeria. Giorno dopo giorno, la sua esistenza si svolge secondo regole accuratamente prestabilite: tra la stesura di guide turistiche per uomini d’affari, le passeggiate con Edward, simpatico cagnetto nevrotico, e il perfezionamento delle proprie abitudini. Perfino il dolore per la tragica morte del figlio e per il successivo abbandono da parte della moglie, sembra non scalfire il suo mondo. Il destino, però, ha in serbo per lui una sorpresa: Muriel Pritchett. Ha una massa ribelle di riccioli, un bambino bisognoso di cure ed è un turbine di incontrollabile disordine. A nulla varranno le resistenze, la pazienza, il metodo, la fuga: è arrivata la vita e Macon non può più nascondersi.
- ISBN: 8823514584
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 342
- Data di uscita: 03-11-2016
It looks like I'm in the minority here, but I really did not enjoy this book. I couldn't sympathize with any of the characters. I thought Macon was whiny and indecisive. I couldn't be compelled to care about what he wanted, mostly because it was never made clear to me exactly what that was. He just
I adored this book! Appreciated it more than Breathing Lessons or Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant . It is touching and hilarious and timeless. Macon lives alone with his misbehaving dog Edward in the wake of the double catastrophe of his son Ethan being murdered while away at summer camp and his wif Leggi tutto
“Was there any way he could learn to do things differently?” This is a novel I have had to think about for a while before I knew what I needed to say about it. I’m not sure I still do, weeks later. The plot is that Macon Leary (an author of guidebooks) is asked by his wife for a divorce in the text’s Leggi tutto
Second-time read, revised rating from 4 stars to 5 This is a second-time read for me. The first time was a couple of decades ago, after I had read Tyler’s Dinner At The Homesick Restaurant – which I also coincidentally reread earlier this year and still consider her masterpiece. I’ve now read 12 Tyle Leggi tutto
Accidental tourists are actually pretty annoying! (These are those pesky travelers who refuse to give up all their customs, their comforts; refuse to get lost a little in the foreignness, to LIVE.) And this book isn't. A success then! (considering the subject matter.) Yeah, the protagonist is a huge Leggi tutto
I love Anne Tyler. Tyler's imagination and observational skills are astounding. This novel mirrors life lately for so many of us. The prevailing "wait and see" mentality is a bit unsettling. But hark! Tempus fugit: tik tok, tik tok...! Macon tries to rigidly plan and control his life - he and his sib Leggi tutto
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