Un matrimonio da dilettanti
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Michael e Pauline sembrano una coppia perfetta: giovani, innamorati, in sintonia l'uno con l'altra. Si incontrano per la prima volta a Baltimora nel dicembre del 1941 e decidono di sposarsi durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. La loro vita prosegue serenamente, nonostante le diversità di carattere che emergono gradualmente negli anni. Il matrimonio li accompagna fino alla vecchiaia e sembrerebbe ormai al riparo da ogni intemperie, fino al giorno in cui tutto precipita...
- ISBN: 8882467074
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 323
- Data di uscita: 03-06-2004
Anne Tyler would laugh, I'm sure, if she read these different reactions to this book. For isn't this her point in so many of her novels? How different we all are and how easily we misunderstand each other? How one person can hate what another loves so passionately? How easy it is to miss the point,
4 stars "They were such a perfect couple. They were taking their very first steps on the amazing journey of marriage, and wonderful adventures were about to unfold in front of them." Wow, don't most marriages start out with this assumption!! I had to laugh to myself when I stumbled across this quote Leggi tutto
“I am fascinated by how families work, endurance, how do we get through life?” - Anne Tyler, from an interview in The Guardian Two mismatched people – impulsive, gregarious, Wasp Pauline and methodical, quiet Polish Catholic Michael – get married, continually fight, move from one Baltimore neighbourh Leggi tutto
Pauline and Michael meet just as America is gathering troops to help fight the Second World War. It’s Baltimore in the 40’s, and we are about to observe this seemingly mismatched couple (Michael quiet and ‘straight’, Pauline vivacious and wild) act out the rest of their lives. I read this book as par Leggi tutto
“ He wished he had inhabited more of his life, used it better, filled it fuller.” As the title suggests this was an exploration of how not everyone is an expert at companionship/marriage. Simply put it this was a magnified look at an unhappy marriage or watching a train-wreck happen over three gen Leggi tutto
I read this book a few years ago - but it has stuck with me. The book is a portrait of a marriage between two incredibly different people. The woman is very emotional, with a flair for the dramatic. The man is very non-emotional. It paints a picture of so many marriages I have seen. I think there co Leggi tutto
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