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Donne. Fin dall'inizio, e per tutte le sue trecento pagine, il romanzo è la confessione esplicita, quasi ostentata, di una passione stregante: le donne per Bukowski sono un'attrazione costante, un bisogno che non conosce pause e che non si arresta neppure di fronte alle situazioni più disagevoli, o riprovevoli, o disgustose. No, la ricerca del narrante non si arresta di fronte a nulla, forse perché l'amore, e la lotta, tra i sessi è per lo scrittore americano il mezzo più sicuro per tenersi in rapporto con la realtà. In questo, che è il suo romanzo più esplicitamente erotico, Bukowski racconta con strepitosa immediatezza le sue - vere o immaginarie - avventure d'amore. Storie tumultuose, incontri sguaiati e grotteschi, memorabili o miserabili prodezze, dialoghi enormemente e quasi commoventemente sboccati, sullo sfondo di un'esistenza randagia, segnata da maratone alcoliche, gravata dalla continua e assillante ricerca di denaro, vissuta sempre e rigorosamente on the road.
- ISBN: 8877467614
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 306
- Data di uscita: 04-05-1995
Misogyny, misogyny, misogyny....that's all everyone sees. Few see the true character of Hank, only the brutal sexual descriptions, the words beginning with "C" and his practice of "mounting" whatever drunken soul may have wandered into his piss-stained bed. This is one of the most American novels I
Freaks always attract other freaks – it must be some immutable law of nature. I had on my dead father’s overcoat, which was too large. My pants were too long, the cuffs came down over the shoes and that was good because my stockings didn’t match, and my shoes were down at the heels. I hated barbers s Leggi tutto
The leading crazy lady's name is Lydia. I can relate. Charles Bukowski has a way of betraying you and making you laugh in spite of yourself; disgusting you and then melting your heart with one tender and insightful paragraph you do not expect, at a moment that doesn't seem appropriate in context to
“I am more or less a failed drizzling shit with absolutely nothing to offer.” Ah, honesty goes a long way, doesn’t it?! So does humor. And this book made me laugh out loud – a lot! I went into this open-minded, but prepared to get more than a little pissed off with Henry Chinaski. You see, I’ve been Leggi tutto
I discovered Charles Bukowski while in Las Vegas, in December 2000. My dad thought it was a good idea to take his 19 year old daughter to Vegas. Because I LOVE watching everyone else gamble and drink while I can't participate! To be fair, we saw some really good shows (Blue Man Group and Mystere). An Leggi tutto
Reading Women is a lot like watching a porno. At first, all that wanton sex is exciting and seductive and yeah, kind of funny too; then it starts to get repetitive and a little disturbing; pretty soon you're disgusted with all of it: sex and women and men and most of all, yourself. You promise that
boooooorrrrrr-iinnnnnnnnnnnnngggg I loved Bukowski as a young teenager and now that I go back and re-read I can only imagine that I enjoyed the truth and rawness at that age when I was getting lied to everywhere abt. the relations between men and women. NOW the misogyny is effing boring. Like the cra Leggi tutto
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