L'amore è un cane che viene dall'inferno
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Raccolta di testi poetici dalla forte valenza narrativa, L'amore è un cane che viene dall'inferno è l'America miserabile, clandestina e sconfitta che Charles Bukowski ha rappresentato in tutta la sua opera. È tutti i suoi abitanti: falliti, ubriaconi, giocatori d'azzardo, perdenti di ogni genere... Un'umanità cui lo scrittore guarda con ironia intrisa di disperata partecipazione, con sarcasmo e insieme con la risentita commozione di chi ha avuto le stesse esperienze esistenziali. Un mondo in cui lui stesso compare più volte, vagabondo tra i vagabondi, emarginato tra gli emarginati.
- ISBN: 8823520142
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 224
- Data di uscita: 15-03-2018
people are not good to each other.perhaps if they wereour deaths would not be so sad. Love him or hate him, Charles Bukowski was a bitter, drunken asshole with a gift for putting onto paper all the ugliness and baseness hiding in the human heart. Before jumping into the discovery and thoughts that ar Leggi tutto
الألم زهرة الألم زهور. تتفتّح كل الوقت....ويبدو أن الألم كان محرك بوكوفسكي الأولوإن كان اختار التعبير عنه بطريقة ساخرة .. مجنونةمثله تماما----------------------------الثورات الحقيقية تنبع من القرف الحقيقي حين تسوء الأمور كفاية تقتل الهررة الأسد.::::::::::::::::المنطقة التي تفصل الدماغ عن الروحتتأثّ Leggi tutto
ليس هناك ما هو أسوأ من فوات الاوانما ندركه بعد فوات الاوان يقتلنا تدريجيا يغرق ايامنا في ضباب من الأخطاء المتكررةهذا ما وصلني من كلمات الشاعر الامريكي المشاكس بوكوفسكي و هو المعادل لاحمد فؤاد نجم عندنا طبعا الكل يعلم موقفي السلبي الابدى من الشعر..و مادمت قد اكملت الكتاب فهذه شهادة مني بان المكتوب لي Leggi tutto
okay Bukowski we get it you're horny, lonely, misogynistic and a pedophile, is there something else you wanted to convey with this book ? oh yeah you also take an unreasonable amount of shits a day (or at least you talk about it continuously). but hey, who am I to judge ?
First published in 1977, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a collection of Bukowski's poetry from the mid-seventies. A classic in the Bukowski canon, Love Is a Dog from Hell is a raw, lyrical, exploration of the exigencies, heartbreaks, and limits of love. I see you drinking at a fountain with tinyblue han Leggi tutto
1.5 Charles Bukowski’s poetry is polarizing. You either love it or hate it, and after reading “Love is a Dog from Hell,” I’ve found myself in the latter camp. Okay, here we go. There are a few different themes Bukowski works with in this collection, but the most prominent theme is how a horny middle-a Leggi tutto
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