Un racconto in esclusiva ebook dall'autrice delle Sorelle
Emily è furiosa. Il suo capo, Andrew, all’ultimo momento le ha annullato il venerdì di ferie, mandando in fumo un weekend prenotato da tempo. Fuori di sé dalla rabbia, Emily scrive un messaggio al fidanzato per raccontargli l'accaduto, chiudendo con: Spero che muoia! Nella fretta, però, lo manda alla chat dei colleghi. Il giorno dopo, Emily cerca di convincerli che ovviamente è stato solo un errore, lo sfogo del momento, ma le sue parole hanno assunto una luce inquietante dal momento che, per la prima volta nella sua carriera, Andrew non si è presentato al lavoro. E la situazione precipita quella sera, quando la polizia bussa alla porta di Emily: Andrew è stato assassinato…
- ISBN: 8842932981
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 39
- Data di uscita: 16-04-2020
¿Puede un simple error al enviar un mensaje de texto desencadenar un efecto escabroso? Interesante lectura sobre los peligros de la tecnología. Además, hay una reflexión muy acertada sobre los peligros que tiene una mujer de estar sometida, sin pretenderlo y sin ser consciente de ello, al yugo de un Leggi tutto
The Text by Claire Douglas is a crime thriller. It revolves around the sudden death of a person when a text is accidentally sent to the office group. It will change the life of a female protagonist. The cover page is appealing, and that's one of the reasons I chose this book. The main character is Em Leggi tutto
I really love short stories as they give me a chance to see what the author is like before I go on to read further books. Well I can honestly say I really loved The Text by Claire Douglas which is free to read on Kobo at the moment. The storyline was brilliant and had me guessing till the end and I w Leggi tutto
As a short story, this hit all the right notes for me – limited but good character set, intriguing scenario and engrossing. Emily Latimer has been told by her boss Andrew (in Accounts) that he is not sure he can allow her time off during the upcoming long weekend, a week away. Emily and Yasmin (who Leggi tutto
Last Seen Alive has been one of my favourite books this year as you can tell if you read my review of that book HERE . So I was thrilled to see this short story free over on Amazon! If you’ve never read any books by Claire before it’s the perfect opportunity to check out what you’re missing and I’m Leggi tutto
For a short story this was a really good read. It's hard to say to much about it without giving away the whole story but it is packed with suspense and easily had me read it in one go as I wanted to know who was behind killing Emily's boss. I think fans of the author are going to really enjoy this an Leggi tutto
I have never read such a short mystery, end was not that interesting though. It was very easy to read. Triggers- physical abuse, toxic relationship
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