L'imprevedibile Venetia
Tradotto da: Lidia Zazo, Anna Luisa Zazo, Cecilia Vallardi
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Condannata a vivere nella solitudine della tenuta di famiglia nello Yorkshire da un padre misantropo, alla sua morte, la bella, intelligente e indipendente Venetia Lanyon deve occuparsi della proprietà̀: il fratello maggiore, infatti, ha preferito dedicarsi alla carriera militare e il minore è preso solo dai suoi libri. Ma tutto cambia quando incontra Lord Damerel, un uomo dalla pessima reputazione e dal passato oscuro, che tuttavia con lei si comporta in modo impeccabile. La loro amicizia, fondata su un’intesa che si consolida ogni giorno di più, scatena però molti pettegolezzi e il morboso interesse di parenti e amici...
- ISBN: 8833210278
- Casa Editrice: astoria
- Pagine: 400
- Data di uscita: 13-06-2019
June 2019 reread with the Georgette Heyer group! News flash: I'm not 18 any more. So even though I still have a soft spot for romances in general and Regencies in particular, my appetite for reading about sweet, silly young girls who do brainless things and have Big Misunderstandings with the guy has Leggi tutto
Chapter 1 , in which I continue my love affair with a most enchanting author! Chapter 2 , in which Venetia is established as a heroine of much wit, honesty, and vitality. Chapter 3 , in which Venetia is contemplative of the rakish Lord Damerel and her brother Aubrey takes a wracking spill. Chapter 4 , in w Leggi tutto
Edit on 22/09/2021 : If you'd like to see an embroidery project I made inspired by this lovely book, head on over to my blog here to see it! Hint: blackberries ;) P.S. - I love this book as much as ever <3 <3 Yorkshire, 1818 *WARNING! Spoilers, gushing, swooning, quoting and rose-petal strewing ahead! Leggi tutto
Re-read September 2022 : A great listen, this time with Melissa. It's a great spouse-time activity. One of my favorite Heyer romances, I enjoyed listening to this with my youngest as we commuted to and from her school (which is on the way to my work). I'm so glad we've started listening to these outst Leggi tutto
Venetia is many readers’ favorite Heyer novel, but not mine. The heroine is older, bolder, and little concerned with the proprieties; she is also kind and thoughtful and beautiful, so you get to have it both ways. The hero is the epitome of Heyer’s rakish strain of male leads, and he comes to Veneti Leggi tutto
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