Il mio amico Leonard
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Leonard è il miglior amico che James abbia mai avuto. Quando James non desiderava altro che distruggersi è stato Leonard ' carismatico uomo di mondo e gangster dichiarato ' a salvargli la vita. Quando James si è trovato a dover superare ostacoli durissimi, psicologici e pratici, per ricostruire la propria vita, Leonard gli ha offerto il suo appoggio, e una protezione sulla cui natura in generale era meglio sorvolare. E così, quando James, appena uscito di prigione, subisce il colpo più duro e crudele del suo destino, è al suo amico speciale che si rivolge per chiedere aiuto. E Leonard, il grande, il formidabile, lo straripante Leonard è pronto ad accogliere James come un «Figlio!», a istruirlo nell'arte del «vivere audacemente», a offrirgli un impiego remunerativo ' per quanto misterioso, vagamente illegale e un po' rischioso. Leonard: gli affari segreti, le sorprendenti passioni che smentiscono la violenza della «carriera» che ha scelto, la favolosa generosità e la fedeltà feroce. Leonard, che in quell'amicizia ha investito più di quanto James abbia mai potuto immaginare.
- ISBN: 8850209819
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 360
- Data di uscita: 19-01-2006
Should it matter if a memoir is truthful? By asking this question, I guess it’s safe to say I went into James Frey’s My Friend Leonard with some misgivings. The act of memoir writing inherently produces meaning, but that’s not the same as manufacturing meaning, not the same as finding events (which Leggi tutto
I never cared whether Frey's A Million Little Pieces was real or not. The truth is, if you enjoy his writing style, you're sure to be caught up in the environment and especially the characters he creates. I read this in one day on a flight from San Diego to Detroit. My Friend Leonard pretty much pick Leggi tutto
I normally would reserve the 5 star rating for a book that I think NOONE should miss...but I just have to give this book 5 stars. Some people might like it, some people might think it is just okay. I read it immediately following A Million Little Pieces, and it is a great sequel. I love Leonard. I lov Leggi tutto
I read A Million Little Pieces by James Frey and I liked it. I devoured it. Despite the controversy that a lot of it was made up. It was made up to make James Frey look like a hardcore badass. But really it turns out that he's just another entitled rich white kid with too much time on his hands and
Years ago I read James Frey's ( now known as heavy on the fiction) memoir A Million Little Pieces as an Oprah Pick. This is the sequel to that book which I bought years ago but after the scandal and fury heaped upon Frey and the denouncement of his first book, I probably just set aside. Anyway , une Leggi tutto
Whether this book is fact or fiction does not mean crap to me, which was exactly my stance on A Million Little Pieces . It was just a good book. James reminds me a lot of someone I know and in some ways, of myself and some of my family members. His friendship with Leonard, albeit ridiculous, was ver Leggi tutto
A Million Little Pieces broke my heart into a million little pieces. I couldn’t care less about the furore the novel caused at the time. It was by far the best account of living with addiction that I’ve ever read. Until I discovered My Friend Leonard on audible I had no idea of its existence. I’m so Leggi tutto
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