Buongiorno Los Angeles
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Immane distesa di auto e individui, serbatoio infinito di illusioni e sogni infranti, immagine esplosa di una società, miraggio che si accende ogni giorno come un'insegna al neon, Los Angeles lancia il suo richiamo a tutte le anime perdute, perché vengano a consumare le loro storie nel suo abbraccio capiente. Come Amberton, il grande attore viziato, la cui passione segreta per ciò che non può avere potrebbe distruggergli la carriera; oppure Joe, il vecchio homeless alcolista e filosofo di Venice Beach, che per salvare una drogata rischia di morire nel gabinetto pubblico dove vive; o la coppia di giovani scappati da un buco di provincia dell'Ohio con duemila dollari e troppe cicatrici; o ancora Esperanza, che è americana perché sua madre l'ha partorita quindici metri oltre il confine messicano, e che per un solo momento di umiliazione rischia di perdere tutto. Frey li segue, ce li fa vedere da vicino e intanto allarga la nostra visuale ad altri personaggi e alla città, a perdita d'occhio, fino a che improvvisamente ci rendiamo conto di essere davanti a un Paese intero, a una cultura, a un momento storico.
- ISBN: 8850237138
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 556
- Data di uscita: 03-07-2014
I loved this. For so many reasons. One of course is James Frey's style of writing. I can't explain why I love the way he writes. I can see how it would get on so many people's nerves. Then I think, anyone can do this..use weird commas or no commas, and then I see it done poorly and realize that it r Leggi tutto
Everyone remembers the controversy surrounding A Million Little Pieces, James Frey’s first book. Published as a memoir, it was later revealed that much of the book was fabricated to protect those Frey wrote about. In the end, however, the controversy doesn’t matter. Frey’s books A Million Little Piec Leggi tutto
alright, well, i just read the first 225 pgs and i'm not gonna continue. it's not that it's soooo terrible. it's not. his stylized prose works more often than not and he can definitely set a tone. if i didn't have a stack of books on my desk that i've been dying to read, i'd probably finish... but,
I know there’s been some controversy with some of Frey’s other works but I’m a huge fan nonetheless. Whether it’s fiction or not, who gives a shit, it’s still good. Anyways, enough of that and onto this book! I didn’t like it quite as much as the other books I’ve read by Frey but I did still very mu Leggi tutto
I loved reading Bright Shiny Morning. I really loved it. Written as a collage, the book is an ode to Los Angeles. I’m not sure it can technically be called a novel, because it follows several parallel story lines that never meet. The author traced a collective vision of the city, high and low, from Leggi tutto
This is possibly the best book I have read all year. Following The Million Little Lies, I had lost my faith in Frey as a writer... Cliche, I realize... but it's true. Now, I believe that if that is what was required for him to whip up this masterpiece, so be it. That is exactly what this is. A maste Leggi tutto
I had never read a book until Bright Shiny Morning where, immediately after finishing, said to myself, "Well, that could've been at least 200 pages shorter."
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