Il problema è che ti amo
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Non smettere maidi credere nell'amoreDa quattro anni, il silenzio è lo scudo che la protegge dal resto del mondo. Circondata dall'affetto dei nuovi genitori adottivi, Mallory Dodge ha cercato di superare i traumi del passato, di convincersi di non avere più bisogno di essere invisibile, ma le cicatrici dell’anima bruciano ancora e non le permettono di dimenticare. Ecco perché dover frequentare l'ultimo anno di liceo in una scuola pubblica, dove sarà costretta a uscire dal guscio, la terrorizza. Tuttavia è proprio a scuola che accade l’inaspettato: tra i suoi nuovi compagni c’è Rider Stark, l’unico raggio di sole nella sua infanzia da incubo, il ragazzo che in più di un'occasione l'ha protetta dalla violenza del padre affidatario. Rider però è cambiato: ha un atteggiamento arrogante, una pessima reputazione e pare che sia invischiato in una rete di cattive compagnie. Anche se, dietro quella maschera da sbruffone, Mallory riconosce ancora il suo eroe d’un tempo… un eroe per di più molto affascinante. Eppure gli anni trascorsi lontano da Mallory hanno segnato profondamente Rider, che ben presto si troverà davvero nei guai. E Mallory sarà la sola a poter fare la differenza. Ma riuscirà a far sentire la propria voce e a battersi per il ragazzo che ama, o la paura la farà tacere per sempre?«Non ho bisogno che tu mi difenda. Ho bisogno di…»Lasciai la frase in sospeso, perché lui si era portato la mia mano al petto e sentivo battere forte il suo cuore.«Di cosa, Mallory?»«Ho bisogno di affrontare la situazione per conto mio. Non puoi proteggermi sempre.»«Ma io voglio proteggerti.»
- ISBN: 8842928801
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 671
- Data di uscita: 07-07-2016
‘forever was my heartbeat and it was the hope tomorrow held. forever was knowing moments of weakness didnt equate to an eternity of them. forever was knowing that i was strong.’ this book is filled to the brim with life lessons but, if anything, this story is the epitome of what it means to love Leggi tutto
☠ Well, This is awkward. X__x “My name is Mallory...Dodge.” I drew in a deep breath, speaking to no one. “And I like...I like reading. And I don’t like...I don’t like who I am.” ☠ Pffft you got that one thing right, Mickey mouse. I don't ....ahh.....don't like you....either. I'm sorrry....but....a Leggi tutto
2.5 stars "I couldn't put my finger on the exact moment I'd become a different Mallory. Maybe because it wasn't just a moment but more of a combination of hundreds, even thousands of them. [...]And it was knowing that I could still be...still be afraid of everything, but not letting that fear stop
4 stars If you’re looking for an emotionally charged YA, look no further. This book has been on my TBR for the longest, and I finally got around to reading it. What was I waiting for? I adored it. Mallory Dodge grew up as a foster kid. She didn’t have the best childhood, but her one saving grace Leggi tutto
“Forever was something we all took for granted, but the problem with forever was that it really didn't exist.” I picked The Problem with Forever with quite an expectations. Jennifer L. Armentrout was one of my fav authors. I've read almost every book of her. But yet this book was .. just
3 stars This book............ it had the right idea, but the execution just wasn't quite right. JLA is one of my all time favorite authors, many of you know that because I've been screaming about her books since I discovered them. I enjoyed this book, and I love the concept of it. I just didn't lik
I don't know what to say. I really really don't. JLA was my absolute favorite author for two years.... two years ...and now I feel like she's an acquaintance that used to be a best friend from High School-We pass each other in a store and do that awkward hi/hello/ass-out-hug that plagues us when we re Leggi tutto
I'd hit such a book funk, I can't count the amount of books I tried getting into to get me over it, and none held my attention..UNTIL this book.. What an amazing book!! This was so realistic, I could see it all unfolding as I was reading, I connected to the characters whole heartedly, the storyline f Leggi tutto
The only contemporary romance I have ever been able to finish. Honestly, so not surprised.... I mean, is it even possible for me to dislike something written by JLA? I keep waiting for it to happen, but uh NOPE. Def not possible. Check out my full review here: Leggi tutto
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