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John Glass è un giornalista di tutto rispetto: irlandese, da poco trapiantato a New York, ha un passato glorioso da corrispondente in prima linea (piazza Tienanmen, il conflitto nordirlandese, l’Intifada) e una reputazione da difendere. Ma in un momento di debolezza, vinto dalle pressioni famigliari e dalle lusinghe di un compenso da un milione di dollari, accetta di scrivere la biografia di William «Big Bill» Mulholland, magnate delle telecomunicazioni dai trascorsi non proprio immacolati ed ex agente della CIA.
- ISBN: 8860883571
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 180
- Data di uscita: 24-01-2013
Δεύτερο βιβλίο του Μπέντζαμιν Μπλακ που διαβάζω (ψευδώνυμο του Τζον Μπάνβιλ), μετά το πολύ καλό "Η ξανθιά με τα μαύρα μάτια" που διάβασα το 2015. Εδώ έχουμε να κάνουμε με κάτι πολύ διαφορετικό, τόσο θεματικά, όσο κυρίως ποιοτικά. Λοιπόν, δεν ήταν τόσο κακό βιβλίο όσο περίμενα με βάση τη βαθμολογία τ Leggi tutto
Somewhere around the end of the first chapter I started feeling like this book was going to be a disappointment. And that feeling never really went away. I wanted to like it, but I never cared about any of the characters and the plot twists were more like plot leaps, having little connection to what Leggi tutto
John Banville—the writer behind the writer Benjamin Black—used to thrill me with his surprising turns of phrase, peculiar situations and exposition of plot via the medium of a strong narrator’s speculative musing. Now I’ve come to expect these, indeed look forward to them; the thrill now comes from Leggi tutto
Ενδιαφέρον, μικρό και ευκολοδιάβαστο. Περιγράφει έναν εγκλωβισμένο ήρωα, βολεμένο στην πλούσια καθημερινότητα του από την οποία επιχειρεί να τον αποσπάσει ο Λεμούριος του τίτλου. Και ενώ ο Λεμούριος αποχωρεί από το προσκήνιο, ο ήρωας μένει να ξετυλίξει το κουβάρι της ζωής του, των υπαναχωρήσεων και τω Leggi tutto
Oh, John, John, John. Stop dressing up as Benjamin. This is the last, although it's also my first, straw. Not all hard-boiled fiction is 'easy', you smug little man. You make it look like a parody. Your characters say things that the embarrassed John Banville is saying in your head (e.g. 'You speak
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