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Frederick Montgomery, irlandese, trentottenne, senza problemi né pensieri, persegue insieme a una moglie bella e sconvolgente il sogno di un’eterna infanzia in qualche isola del Mediterraneo. Ma all’improvviso un prestito che non è in grado di restituire lo costringe a tornare in patria per procurarsi il denaro. La blanda odissea di Frederick scivola inesorabile verso la catastrofe, che si manifesta sotto le spoglie gentili di un quadro olandese del Seicento, Ritratto di donna con guanti, da cui resta folgorato e che lo conduce fino al delitto. La spiegazione dei fatti è proprio la deposizione che Frederick scrive in carcere nell’attesa del processo: un’ipocrita riflessione sugli abissi dello sdoppiamento della personalità e insieme un dissonante inno alla vita.
- ISBN: 8823526868
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 224
- Data di uscita: 30-07-2020
John Banville never spares his personages. And he doesn’t spare his readers too. Statistics, probability theory, that was my field. Esoteric stuff, I won't go into it here. What mind is capable to commit an ugly, senseless crime? The Book of Evidence is a story of a deviated mind and John Banville tel Leggi tutto
Irish novelist John Banville—known to readers of mystery fiction as Benjamin Black—had been writing novels for twenty years when, in 1989, The Book of Evidence was short-listed for the Booker. Every page of this elegant psychopathic monologue—a thief and murderer's intelligent and restrained account Leggi tutto
'The Book of Evidence' is a monologue of a murderer, his confession. Although Freddy Montgomery is called the 'unreliable narrator', I would not quite agree with that. On the contrary, not many people can be so honest and objective in evaluating one's personality. Freddie is an intelligent but irres Leggi tutto
It struck me that quite a number of novels are written from the point of view of a really repulsive man, one of those bombastic egomaniacs who you'd walk over broken glass to avoid, yet in a novel you're trapped with this guy in your ear, in your brain, on every page, every sentence. No let up. Why
رواية "كتاب الشهادة" للكاتب الأيرلندي "جون بانفيل"، تأتي في شكل سيرة ذاتية لشخصية مُتخيلة، يسرد تفاصيل حياته، التي أدت إلى إرتكابه جريمة قتل، أو دعنا نقول تورط فيها، أو قادته ظروفه إليها، فلندعنا من الأسباب فهو قد شرحها وزادها شرحاً، المهم هو ما وصلنا إليه، وهو أن السرد من أول لحظة إلى آخر لحظة هي ب Leggi tutto
CRITIQUE: Testimony From the beginning, I thought this novel was going to mimic the design of Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita". (1) It purports to be a book of evidence or testimony by Freddie Montgomery, who has been accused of both theft and murder. His barrister would have preferred that he not give a Leggi tutto
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