L'amuleto di Samarcanda - vol. 1
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Il potente jinn Bartimeus, demone antichissimo, pigro e beffardo, viene improvvisamente strappato dal confortevole mondo degli spiriti ed evocato a Londra da Nathaniel, un ragazzino di dodici anni. La sua missione è oscura e molto rischiosa: rubare l’Amuleto di Samarcanda al temibile Simon Lovelace, mago senza scrupoli e membro del Parlamento. In una Londra oscura e affascinante si dipana un mondo magico al «negativo», dove gli uomini meschini, invidiosi e senza scrupoli sono contrapposti agli spiriti, ben più potenti e astuti di loro. E su tutti trionfa l’arguto, saccente, permalosissimo Bartimeus…
- ISBN: 8850229305
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 464
- Data di uscita: 13-09-2012
If you want an ingenious hybrid of Riordan, Pratchett, and comedic fantasy in general, you now know where to go. This has everything, extremely good writing, a fresh, new setting that still hasn´t been assimilated by mainstream, many ideas from classic mythology, an alternative history uchronia sett Leggi tutto
If the quality of a book rested solely on its plot, this would be an excellent novel. The general plot is, of course, standard fantasy fare (save the world!) but its details and the world built to drive it is unique. Also, there appears to be a second plot running under the main one which will obvio Leggi tutto
A wonderful and thrilling urban fantasy with strong elements of eastern mythology and the supernatural. The narrative is mostly from the djinni's POV and I enjoyed that tremendously. Jonathan Stroud's book contains superb writing, a gripping plot and characters coupled together with great fantasmic w Leggi tutto
The adventures of a young British wizard, but if Harry Potter were more ambitious and less patient with his bullies. But genie Bartimeus is of course the most interesting character. With his cynical ironical comments and 'I don't care about anyone' attitude and yet he's the main protagonist who save Leggi tutto
A delicious high speed flight of fancy! At the tender age of six years, Nathaniel is taken from his parents and apprenticed as a learning magician to Arthur Underwood, a minor functionary in a dark and fantastical English government. This bleak London's parliamentarians and upper crust are members of Leggi tutto
This is a difficult book to rate: It was very well-written, with an intriguing plot and engaging wit. That being said, I must admit that it was more frustrating than enjoyable for me. The main problem was that I disliked both of the main characters: one is a wily demon (Bartimaeus), and the other is Leggi tutto
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