Note su Hiroshima
Tradotto da: Gianluca Coci
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Alle 8:15 del 6 agosto 1945, un aereo statunitense sgancia un ordigno nucleare sulla città di Hiroshima, e dal quel momento il mondo cambia per sempre. In questo commovente ricordo, Kenzaburō Ōe racconta delle tante vittime – giovani, anziani, donne e bambini – causate da quell’esplosione, ma anche dei valorosi sforzi compiuti in quei terribili momenti, e negli anni a venire, dai medici e dai sopravvissuti. Nelle parole del più importante scrittore giapponese contemporaneo, si denuncia con forza l’enormità della devastazione compiuta, ma contemporaneamente prende vita il ritratto dolce e sensibile della gente di quella città distrutta. E, attraverso le testimonianze raccolte, nasce dalle pagine di questo libro un accorato e fermo atto d’accusa contro il proliferare delle politiche nucleari, e contro ogni tipo di violenza.
- ISBN: 8811819091
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 216
- Data di uscita: 24-06-2021
Bardzo dobra książka. Równocześnie wymagająca i uderzająca.
In 1963, Kenzaburō Ōe, then aged 28, was already developing a reputation as a novelist and a spokesperson for the younger generation. June 1963 marked the birth of Ōe's son Hikari, born with a severe brain lesion, who was to be so important to much of the rest of Ōe subsequent writing. Shortly after t Leggi tutto
I can't see why this was translated; it seems entirely for a Japanese audience. It opens in 1965 with the Japanese Communist Party (Beijing's stooges) and the Japanese Socialist Party (Moscow's) finding it increasingly difficult to work together ... ostensibly they both want to secure "world peace"
„[przytoczone słowa Sadao Miyamoto:] «Wznoszę apel z Hiroszimy, pierwszego miasta w historii ludzkości zaatakowanego bombą atomową, w którym wielu ludzi nadal cierpi z powodu białaczki, anemii czy chorób wątroby, nadal dniami i nocami walczy ku tragicznej śmierci».Jako czytelnicy musimy pamiętać, że Leggi tutto
Ōe - Dobry powieściopisarz, słaby eseista... Co tu dużo pisać, nudne są te eseje, choć sam temat bardzo ciekawy. Nie ma w nich niczego oświecającego, same banały. Może jest tu między wierszami ukryty większy przekaz, znany tylko Japończykom, ale co wtedy z osobami z innego kręgu kulturowego? Jak pisa Leggi tutto
Readers who are critical of this book seem to be disappointed by the fact that it is not a systematic account of the impact of the A-bomb on the lives of the inhabitants of Hiroshima. Indeed, Oe’s book is a collection of essays prepared at different times and with different ambitions. Some are more Leggi tutto
Kenzaburō Ōe delivers a very thought-provoking book in Hiroshima Notes. Seven individual "notes"/chapters are compiled to offer the reader a look at life in the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing that brought an end to World War II. Ōe wrote these notes after many visits to Hiroshima in the 60s. He Leggi tutto
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