Un odio perfetto
Tradotto da: Maria Olivia Crosio
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Doveva solo aiutare degli amici. Doveva solo dire una bugia innocente. Invece qualcuno è morto davvero.
Lucy King è in fuga. In fuga da un fidanzato violento, da anni di angoscia, da un’esistenza segnata dalla paura. E la tranquilla cittadina di Woodstock sembra il posto ideale per nascondersi e cominciare una nuova vita. Anche grazie all'amicizia con Vera e John, una simpatica coppia di vicini che l’accolgono subito come fosse una di famiglia. Dopo qualche tempo, però, i due fanno cadere la maschera e le confessano di essere nei guai. Hanno un disperato bisogno di far perdere le loro tracce e l'unico modo per riuscirci è che lei li aiuti a inscenare la morte di John. Lucy sa fin troppo bene cosa significhi sentirsi in trappola, perciò accetta. In fondo, si tratta solo di dire una piccola bugia agli agenti che verranno a interrogarla. Invece qualcosa va storto e John viene davvero trovato morto. In un attimo, Lucy passa da testimone a indiziata numero uno. Come se ciò non bastasse, da qualche giorno avverte l'inquietante sensazione di essere osservata e strani incidenti iniziano a verificarsi in casa sua. Possibile che il passato l'abbia raggiunta? Che tutto questo sia un piano perverso per vendicarsi di lei? Una cosa è certa: Lucy deve scoprire la verità, prima che sia troppo tardi…
- ISBN: 8842932620
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 384
- Data di uscita: 16-09-2021
4.5 stars "It started out with a kissHow did it end up like this?It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss" - The Killers, "Mr. Blindside" Lucy was just looking for a fresh start when she moved to Woodstock, NY, and met her next-door neighbors, Vera and John. She is instantly drawn to them and begins
3.5 Stars! This story involves two tales of domestic suspense. The first tale began in the main character's previous life in NYC. It involves domestic abuse both physical and emotional at the hands of her boyfriend. In the beginning, we find her secretly leaving town to escape him by moving to rural W Leggi tutto
Moral of the story, for me, here was - always tell the truth!! This was a very clever, fast paced, twisty debut thriller that I highly recommend! There were so many plot twists and different red herrings thrown my way, I had total whip lash!! Being the suspense/thriller obsessed reader that I am, I
Lucy King flees Brooklyn to escape an abusive ex-boyfriend. She tells no one where's she's headed as she attempts to vanish without a trace. Lucy moves into a house in Woodstock hoping to settle into an unobtrusive, quiet, invisible life, but when her irresistible neighbor Vera invites her over to d Leggi tutto
Leah Konen hits it out of the park with her debut suspense, All the Broken People, in which a faked death goes horribly awry. Konen delivers with Lucy, who escapes to rustic Woodstock for a fresh start, only to discover her new neighbors are harboring disturbing secrets of their own. A sly, up-all-n Leggi tutto
Another day, another mediocre mystery/suspense. Deep sigh. It's barely been a month since I read All the Broken People , but as I went to write a short summary of it just now for this review, I realized that already I couldn't remember the names of the main characters. That alone should speak for itse Leggi tutto
4.5/5 For some reason, I was thinking I had All the Broken People by Leah Konen on my NetGalley shelf but now that I have finished the book, I found out that I actually didn't! I do want to read her most recent (and second ) thriller The Perfect Escape , so that might be why I was thinking about this Leggi tutto
7/28- not sure why GR posted that I just finished this one, that was a few months ago. It was a page turner though! A twisty and surprising thriller/mystery MC, Lucy moves up to Woodstock NY from the city to get away from her abusive boyfriend, Davis. She is a little odd and nervous but considering t Leggi tutto
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