Piccole donne e Piccole donne crescono
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Per la famiglia March il Natale non ha più il calore di un tempo, da quando l’adorato papà è partito per il fronte. Ad aspettarlo a casa restano la moglie e le figlie, quattro sorelle molto diverse tra loro. Sono Meg, assennata e giudiziosa, Jo, aspirante scrittrice dall'indole ribelle, Beth, timida e sognatrice, e Amy, ironica e civettuola. Sullo sfondo della guerra di secessione americana,va in scena l’avventura tutta al femminile di quattro giovani donne alle prese con le piccole e grandi sfide de del diventare adulte. Una tra le storie più emozionanti di sempre torna al cinema e in libreria: il romanzo che ha ispirato il film più atteso dell’anno in un’edizione arricchita dalle fotografie e scattate sul set.
- ISBN: 8831002473
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 544
- Data di uscita: 09-01-2020
Some books read like a lifelong friendship, each page a warm or comforting embrace as you laugh and weep along with the characters. Little Women by L.M. Alcott is an enduring and endearing classic that will nestle its way so deep into your heart that you’ll wonder if the sound of turning pages has b Leggi tutto
Galentine's Day is right around the corner...so why not curl up with a good book? Check out my latest BooktTube Video - all about five fabulous books on female friendship! The Written Review “Don't try to make me grow up before my time…” The March sisters may be radic
I’M IN LOVE, I’M IN LOVE, AND I DON’T CARE WHO KNOWS IT! When I was a child, my mother used to drag me to antique stores all the time. There is nothing more boring to a kid than an antique store. It smelled like dust and old people, and everything looked the same (dark wood), and if we were in a part Leggi tutto
Yes, yes. I AM a grown-ass man reading this, but I'm not even remotely ashamed. What I tried to do here was dispel the extra melodrama & embrace the cut-outs (fat trimmed out) of the Winona Ryder film. I was on the hunt for all the "new" (ha!) stuff that the regular person, well informed of the plot Leggi tutto
This book means SISTERHOOD... FAMILY… HAPPINESS…TOGETHERNESS… THANKFULNESS… GENUINENESS…SOLIDARITY…BELIEFS… RESPECT…UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…HONESTY…KINDNESS… This is magical book, when I get into my hands for the first time, I was only eleven and for decades I kept on getting it into my hands, reread it s Leggi tutto
we stan. https://youtu.be/KREaj07OEfU
I hated this book. I can't even begin to go into all the reasons I dislike this novel. It's dull and preachy through out most of it--aside from Jo who is a truly inspired character. But everyone else seems one note, most of the chapters come off as morality plays than solid scenes or plots. And just Leggi tutto
The two books that I have read the most in my life: Little Women and Walden. Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in 1868. It centers on the 4 young March sisters: Meg, Jo, Amy, and Beth. Each of the sisters has a distinct personality. Meg is the oldest, Jo is the writer and tomboy, Amy is the vain
there are no actual little women in this book. all regular sized women. title is misleading. 0/10. would not read again
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