I cinque guerrieri
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La Pietra Filosofale, l'Altare di Stonehenge, le Tavole della Legge, la Pietra Sacrificale dei Maya, la Pietra Veggente di Delfi, il Bacile di Ramses II: Jack West Jr ha trovato le sei pietre sacre e, con esse, la possibilità di attivare la Grande Macchina, l'unica speranza di salvare il mondo dall'apocalisse. La missione è ora individuare le chiavi necessarie per rendere operativa la Macchina: i Pilastri, diamanti leggendari nascosti ai quattro angoli della Terra.
Dopo essere sfuggito per un soffio alla morte, Jack riesce a ricongiungersi con il resto del suo gruppo e a scoprire un tassello fondamentale per risolvere l'enigma. Secondo antiche iscrizioni, infatti, nel corso dei secoli i Pilastri sono stati custoditi da cinque guerrieri che hanno segnato la storia dell'umanità. Svelando la loro identità, anche l'ubicazione dei Pilastri sarà rivelata?
- ISBN: 8842916846
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 432
- Data di uscita: 21-10-2010
Re-read 08/20 This one had the giant task of tying together all the threads that were scattered in The Six Sacred Stones , so naturally it's rather epic. Here are the things I loved: - Treasure-hunting adventures - Fun traps - Gruesome deaths - Ridiculous stunts - Epic battles - Super fun, badass charact Leggi tutto
I have to admit, there's something really fascinating and cool about stories that don't need to reinvent themselves but still manage to be super easy to read and enjoy and yet still feel fresh. This happens to be one of them. I mean, seriously. There's still Indiana Jones Traps, people! There's still Leggi tutto
Matthew Reilly's books are the literary equivalent of deep fried mars bars. You know you shouldn't, you might even regret it, but they're fun while they last. I feel embarassed even admitting I read his books: they are often quite badly written and he has an excruciating habit of writing things in it Leggi tutto
The Five Greatest Warriors is book three in the Jack West Jr series by Matthew Reilly. When Jack West Jr escape from the abyss that he fell in The Six Sacred Stones started the race of Jack's and his team to find the answers to unlock the secrets of the machine. The readers of The Five Greatest Warr Leggi tutto
The climax of the second adventure in the series. It’s action from start to finish with loveable characters and flashes of jaw-dropping history come to life as we jump from one side of the world to the other. It’s a bit chaotic at times but it definitely has a very strong and satisfying conclusion. Leggi tutto
So continues the adventures of Jack West, probably the greatest adventure hero since Indiana Jones. If you been following Jack's adventures in the first book, "The Seven Deadly Wonders", and the second book, "The 6 Sacred Stones", you know Jack and his crew are out to save the world and are quickly
Matthew Reilly paperbacks are perfect for weekends when I want to read something fast and light. And as the blurb says "Readers should leave their thinking caps behind" . I dint stress out too much on the plots and loop holes. So in this book we continue our journey with Jack West Jr. and the team r Leggi tutto
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