La seconda sposa
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Nella buona e nella cattiva sorte…
Vedovo e padre single di una adolescente, quando Alex ha incontrato Natalie non poteva credere che la vita gli stesse dando la gioia di un nuovo amore, di un nuovo matrimonio, di una nuova casa e, soprattutto, di una nuova vita famigliare dolce e tranquilla. Ma la sua ritrovata felicità ha breve durata, poiché la nuova casa viene sventrata dalle fiamme. Natalie riesce a fuggire dal fuoco, ma Jade, la figlia di Alex, resta intrappolata all’interno e si salva solo grazie al tempestivo intervento dei pompieri. Quando le chiedono perché non abbia cercato di mettersi in salvo, Jade, spaventata ma lucida, dice che si stava nascondendo da un uomo che aveva visto aggirarsi dentro casa. Natalie minimizza la questione, negando di aver visto qualcuno e, con maggiore ostinazione, di conoscere questo ipotetico intruso. La determinazione della figlia, però, instilla un dubbio in Alex… Chi delle due sta mentendo e perché? Alex decide di indagare, ma quello che scoprirà sul passato della sua seconda sposa rischia di distruggere qualsiasi speranza di futuro e di mettere in pericolo la vita di tutti…
- ISBN: 8830451533
- Casa Editrice: Longanesi
- Pagine: 336
- Data di uscita: 24-06-2021
Natalie is Alex Carmichael’s second wife, he has a daughter Jade from his first marriage to Heather who has died from cancer. Whilst he is out working late there is a serious fire at their house, Natalie escapes while Jade is trapped inside. She is rescued by fire officers and though Jade is injured Leggi tutto
As soon as I had read the first page I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep until till I had finished this great gripping book!! Natalie is Alex’s second wife, when Alex is out Natalie and his daughter Jade are at home when a fire breaks out, he comes home to find that Natalie has escaped but his dau Leggi tutto
Natalie and Jade are caught in a house fire. Natalie is Alex's second wife and Jade is his daughter. Jade thought she saw a man in the house just before the fire started. Natalie denies seeing anybody at the house. But this is just the beginning. It moves on to tell the rest of the story in two time Leggi tutto
*Many thanks to Penguin, Edelweiss, and Rebecca Fleet for a DRC in exchange for an honest review!* Natalie is Alex's second wife: he has been raising his teen daughter Jade as a single father since the tragic passing of his first wife, Heather. When Alex arrives home to find a deadly fire ablaze, he Leggi tutto
I enjoyed this slightly more than Fleet's debut, but there's still something about her characterisations that don't really click with me. The plot was actually slightly different to what I was expecting, which made for a pleasant surprise. It centered around the fact of Alex returning home to find the Leggi tutto
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