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Tradotto da: Giuliana Zeuli
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Dopo aver preso parte alla lotta per l’indipendenza irlandese e dopo aver fatto molto lavoro sporco che gli ha procurato qualche nemico, Henry Smart abbandona l’Irlanda per approdare nella città delle grandi occasioni: New York. È il 1924. L’America è un mondo dove Henry, unendosi a modo proprio alla grande epopea migratoria dei suoi connazionali, ricomincia da zero, ma è anche un bastimento che naviga sulle onde del proibizionismo. E come tanti, Henry le cavalca, con audacia e alterne fortune... Costretto alla fuga, si sposta a Chicago, dove avviene l’inatteso incontro con un giovane genio di nome Louis Armstrong, di cui diventerà l’improbabile braccio destro.
- ISBN: 8823528011
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 448
- Data di uscita: 11-03-2021
I don't think I can fully express how dissappointed I am. This novel was simply unnecessary. It's prequel, A Star Called Henry, remains one of my favorite novels. Yet I'm afraid that this piece of writing falls far below Doyle's usual standards. If anything, the story has been taken too far for too l Leggi tutto
Ανυπόφορο. Αδιανόητο πώς κατάφερε ο συγγραφέας* να κάνει τόσο βαρετή την ανάγνωση ενός βιβλίου με τόσο ενδιαφέρουσα θεματική (τυχοδιώκτης Ιρλανδός μετανάστης στις ΗΠΑ της ποτοαπαγόρευσης, της τζαζ, του Λούις Αρμστρονγκ κτλ.). Ισως το ένα αστεράκι να είναι υπερβολικά αυστηρό, όμως πρώτον δεν αντέχω - Leggi tutto
This was a somewhat disappointing follow-up to A Star Called Henry . The sheer energy of Henry Smart pulls the reader through a sometimes hectic, sometimes maddeningly repetitive series of events, but if I hadn't grown fond of him in the first book of this promised trilogy (the third as yet unwritten Leggi tutto
Agree with everyone - a very disappointing follow-up to a whale of a first book. Normally, I would never have slogged through the first 100 pages; it wasn't until Henry left NYC that I could focus in on the narrative thread. Then, it picked up steam, although never matching the pull and realism of t Leggi tutto
Εξαιρετική η απεικόνιση της τζαζ Αμερικής
Roddy Doyle continues the story of Henry Smart and Miss O'Shea in this sequel to "A Star Called Henry". The plot drags a bit at times. But I was constantly amazed at Doyle's vibrant characters and his gritty descriptions of struggling immigrants in Manhattan, the music scene in Chicago and the despe Leggi tutto
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