Novella degli scacchi
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Stefan Zweig scrisse Novella degli scacchi nel 1941, pochi mesi prima di suicidarsi, insieme con la seconda moglie, nella città brasiliana di Petropolis, il 22 febbraio 1942. La notizia della sua morte fu soffocata da quelle provenienti dai fronti di guerra e così anche la sua ultima, disperata protesta, non fu che un flebile grido, quasi inavvertibile nel frastuono di quegli anni. Nella Novella degli scacchi lo stato d’animo di abbandono, di infinita stanchezza, di rinuncia alla lotta, è prefigurato nella sconfitta di colui che rappresenta la sensibilità, l’intelligenza, la cultura per opera di un semianalfabeta, ottuso uomo-robot. E, a rendere ancora più crudele la disfatta dello spirito, Zweig scelse come terreno dello scontro una scacchiera. Dallo sfacelo della sua patria spirituale, l’Europa, Zweig non vuole salvare nemmeno il gioco degli scacchi, ormai appannaggio non più di uomini dotati di talento, estro, passione, ma di «campioni» come Czentovic, un rozzo quanto prodigioso accumulo di facoltà puramente meccaniche.
- ISBN: 8811810582
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 112
- Data di uscita: 08-05-2014
I detect strong parallels between reading a novel and the game of chess: there is the author sitting on one side, playing white, the reader on the other side, playing black; instead of the chess board and chess pieces there is the novel; the author’s opening chapter is the chess player’s opening, th Leggi tutto
Check Mate! Mirko Czentovic is the uncontested worldwide champion of Chess. His story fantastic, as a near brainless savant who stormed the game by surprise, beating every chess grand-master out there, and rising to glory from nowhere. Traveling on a boat to Buenos Aires for his next challenge, he
‘ The more one limits oneself, the closer one is to the infinite; these people, as unworldly as they seem, burrow like termites into their own particular material to construct, in miniature, a strange and utterly individual image of the world. ’ *EDIT 12/20/21* Chess, the ‘Royal Game’, ‘ regally eschews Leggi tutto
Chess Story by Stefan Zweig It's a brilliant novella written just a year before the author's death by suicide. The story is mainly about a man tortured to near insanity during WWII and mastered the game while attempting to survive torture by the Nazis. That was incredibly well written. Emotional and Leggi tutto
shameful confession time: i don't know how to play chess. but i do know how to read. and that, in this case, has to count for something. this is incisive and effective in both of its purposes: as a book, and as a goodbye. stefan zweig's finale is a searing condemnation of fascism that uses its few page Leggi tutto
- هل هي رواية ام تلخيص للحياة؟ - لنبدا من سطح النهر، قصة عن ثلاثة اشخاص، اولهم بطل شطرنج، ثانيهم محب للأشياء الغريبة المثيرة وثالثهم "إله شطرنج" ولكن بالصدفة!!.. يجتمع الثلاثة على متن سفينة تحتاج 12 يوماً لتصل الى وجهتها وتجري القصة واللعبة بينهم مع سرد لطيف لخلفياتهم وكيفية اتقانهم للعبة... - هيا لنغ Leggi tutto
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