Il teschio sacro
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Utah, 18 maggio. Centinaia di cadaveri mummificati raccolti intorno a un teschio rivestito d’oro: a prima vista, sembra il macabro epilogo di un antico rituale suicida; ma, per l’antropologa Margaret Grantham, c’è qualcosa che non quadra. Anzitutto, sebbene risalgano al XII secolo, i resti trovati in quella caverna nel cuore delle Montagne Rocciose non sono riconducibili a nessuna popolazione indigena; inoltre l’arma usata è un pugnale forgiato in una particolarissima lega d’acciaio, impossibile da realizzare anche con le tecniche più all’avanguardia…
Washington, 30 maggio. Painter Crowe, direttore della Sigma Force, è sconcertato: sua nipote Kai, un’attivista per i diritti dei nativi americani, è stata accusata di aver fatto esplodere la bomba che ha distrutto una grotta nello Utah, causando la morte della professoressa Grantham. Convinto che la ragazza sia innocente, Painter si lancia nelle indagini e, insieme con l’amico e collega Grayson Pierce, scopre che quella misteriosa necropoli e quell’enigmatico teschio sacro sono soltanto il primo tassello di un complotto che risale all’epoca coloniale e che rischia di minare le fondamenta stesse degli Stati Uniti. Perché la Dichiarazione d’Indipendenza e la storia della nascita della nazione americana forse sono soltanto una menzogna, una menzogna ideata per occultare una sconvolgente verità…
- ISBN: 8842930873
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 480
- Data di uscita: 12-07-2018
I'm a huge fan of James Rollins, particularly his Sigma Series. I consider this book as one of the series' finest. Throughout the series, we encounter recurring characters in all seven books. What I find especially refreshing is that no single character takes center stage, single-handedly resolving
Sigma Force #7, The Devil Colony, by James Rollins is an intense ride through Native American and Colonial history, touching on nanotechnology, the truth behind the Declaration of Independence signers, volcanoes, and the secrets of the people running The Guild. Thoroughly enjoyed the book, even if a Leggi tutto
In this 7th 'Sigma Force' novel, the fate of the entire world is at stake. The book can be read as a standalone. ***** The premise of this thriller is that, in the very distant past American Indians buried some kind of nanotechnology-fueled doomsday devices around the Earth in an attempt to save manki Leggi tutto
At the outset of this review, I need to make a couple of things clear: 1. I was asked by the PR dept. at Harper Collins if I would accept a free copy of this book and review it. I imagine they asked me (along with other Mormon writers/bloggers) to do this due to the book's subject matter including Mo Leggi tutto
Consider this: 14 arrows in a bundle, nanotubes, Indians, Lewis & Clark, Sigma Force, Thomas Jefferson, 5 guys in a painting that aren’t supposed to be there, Ben Franklin, a buffalo hide, Jewish settlers and Mormons. What are you going to do with all? Hunh? I mean seriously! Well that is exactly wh Leggi tutto
I read this book a couple of years ago and it's brilliant, my favorite book in this series. Btw this series is awesome! Read it!
The mysteries and excitement here... like the founding of America, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, the Native American peoples, the Book of Mormon, and nanotechnology are all plots that fit well into the Sigma story frame that fans of this series have come to expect and look forward to. There is a l Leggi tutto
Not my usual genre, but gave it a try on Lee Child's recomm. Wow! Awed by the multiple subplots, multiple historical angles, multiple characters and the sheer number of balls Rollins keeps in the air while maintaining a jet-propelled storyline. And his characters have a LOT more depth than most of w Leggi tutto
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