Mamma elefante vuole stare in pace per qualche minuto assaporando un bagno caldo e schiumoso. Ma con gli elefantini intorno, vivaci e birichini, la pace non durerà a lungo... Età di lettura: da 3 anni
- ISBN: 8865266341
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 32
- Data di uscita: 13-10-2016
Another of my childhood favourites which I've enjoyed even more revisiting as a parent, can completely relate to Mrs Large as even a simple pleasure of having a relaxing bath is nonexistent once child are involved!
The story of my life, I almost cried when I saw it. It was really funny when I was "trying" to read to the kids tonight as I also have three kids and I kept referring to them and they giggled. And then I needed five minutes peace afterwards. (You would not believe how many times I was interrupted while Leggi tutto
As a child this was one of my favourite stories. I loved reading about the Large family, with its long-suffering mother who just needs a break! The illustrations are adorable too. A firm family favourite.
This book is a much loved classic - it should be on every child’s bookcase! The story is simple and engaging and relatable to adults and children alike.
My wife literally exclaimed, " This is me." I retorted," Would you characterize yourself as Mrs Large?". She said, " After two kids, and countless sleepless nights; definitely ".
Five minutes peace is a story involving the Large Family, a family of elephants that consists of Mr Large, Mrs Large, Lester, Laura and Baby. Mrs Large stacks a tray with several items she likes and tries to go upstairs for a bath and ‘five minutes peace’ from the family. However, the children have Leggi tutto
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