Dagli autori del successo Acchiappalibri, le incredibili avventure di una zebra!
Yawnalot era una cittadina sonnacchiosa finché Abracazebra non arrivò a cavallo della sua bicicletta, portando il suo affascinante spettacolo di magia. Tutti gli animali accorsero ammirati a guardarlo, tutti ad eccezione di Capra, che era geloso. La sua invidia lo spingerà a cercare di rovinare tutto? O anche lui, alla fine, capirà che abbiamo tutti bisogno di un po’ di magia?
- ISBN: 8865264535
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 32
- Data di uscita: 26-02-2015
Yawnalot is a sleepy town with not much to do except watch old Goat mending his fishing boat. But that all changes when the mysterious Abracazebra rolls into town and delights young and old with her amazing magic show day after day. With the attention now shifted away from him, Goat finds himself fe Leggi tutto
Why is this book so unpopular here? It's such a great story! My child's favourite for the last few months. Even I was teary-eyed when read it for the first time. Highly recommend for children of any age! ***5 stars***
Helen Dochertyn kuvakirjat ovat olleet meidän perheessä suuressa suosiossa riimitellyn kerronnan ja kauniin kuvituksensa ansiosta! Tässä kirjassa on oiva opetus suvaitsevaisuudesta; kuinka erilaisuus kohdataan ja millaisia tunteita se saattaa toisissa herättää. Kävimme oikein antoisan keskustelun es Leggi tutto
Thomas Dochertys Illustrationen sind sehr ausdrucksstark und treffen sehr genau einen Punkt zwischen traditionellen Kinderillustrationen aus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts und moderneren Stilen. Die Geschichte ist eine altbekannte aber solide erzählte Parabel über Fremdenhass (der Hassende s Leggi tutto
Cute story about a traveling magician zebra, who bring some fun and color to "Nichtsviellos" (Not-a-lot-going-on), but is banded by the jealous goat leader - until he realizes his mistake. Read for yourself to find out what happens. :) Note: I found the German rhymes did not always roll off my tongu Leggi tutto
My kid love this book ❤️
What a cute magical story for children. Would recommend it to every child who likes to be enchanted and loves animals. Love Lakhi
Een mooi, invoelend verhaal - met goede afloop - dat goed laat zien wat pesten en roddelen voor gevolgen heeft. In zijn eentje kan 'ouwe Geit' een heel dorp tegen een vreemdeling opzetten. Gelukkig wordt ook getoond wat de gevolgen zijn en hoe je het akelige gedrag recht kunt zetten. Dit klinkt allem Leggi tutto
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