Non c'è niente da fare, quando la rabbia arriva sembra non volersene mai andare... finché non trova qualcun altro a cui appiccicarsi! Una storia divertente su come il cattivo umore passa da una persona all'altra in maniera inaspettata. La rabbia è rappresentata da una buffa nuvoletta nera che svolazza sopra alle persone, per aiutare i piccoli lettori a identificare l'emozione e comprenderla meglio. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.
- ISBN: 8865268298
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 46
- Data di uscita: 09-11-2017
I like the idea, a bad mood is passed on, how true. I really like the bad mood cloud, very cute, the illustrations are skilful and interesting, 5 stars for those. The storyline was interesting and we both read this one independently and it kept us engaged and wanting to know what happens. If the sce Leggi tutto
As many other reviewers have noted, the problematic interaction between Old Man Lou and the dry cleaner Mrs. Durham really ruins this book. It wasn't a terribly engaging or inventive book to begin with, but when Lou takes off his pants after Mrs. Durham tells him not to, and she then finds it endear Leggi tutto
First off, this book just doesn't make any sense to me. People get in a better mood once something nasty happens? What? But the real, glaring issue is that an incredibly rude man takes off his pants after a woman tells him not to and she somehow is won over by his underwear clad body and marries him? Leggi tutto
What?!😳 So much is problematic in this PB that I don't know where to begin. The worst? A white, angry man walks into a dry cleaning business, demands a woman of color who owns the place "take that pencil outta your ear...wash these pants and wash them quick", drops his pants...and she falls in love Leggi tutto
Somehow all the journal reviews of this book missed the jolly take on sexual harassment and disregarding consent--no doesn't mean no. In fact, when you take off your pants in front of a woman and she sees your underpants, she's happy and not mad and she falls in love and you get married and everyone Leggi tutto
A stick falls from a tree. A little girl walks around in a bad mood, as represented by the dark cloud hanging over her. Then the girl finds the stick, pokes her brother, and feels better. The mood and stick continue to be passed around, traveling from one person to the next in unexpected ways becaus Leggi tutto
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