Anna Karenina
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Anna, moglie insoddisfatta del noioso e rigido avvocato Karenin, si innamora del bell’ufficiale Vronskij. Rimasta incinta dell’amante, fugge con lui in Italia, ribellandosi alle convenzioni che la vorrebbero moglie fedele e asservita. Dure e inevitabili le conseguenze della sua scelta d’amore: il marito non le concede il divorzio e le impedisce di vedere il figlio nato dal loro matrimonio, mentre la società in cui è cresciuta la mette crudelmente al bando. Ad Anna, divorata da una passione senza sollievo e disperata per l’isolamento in cui viene a trovarsi, non resta alcuna via d’uscita. Una storia romantica e tragica di respiro universale, un atto d’accusa contro l’atteggiamento conformista e puritano della Pietroburgo ottocentesca, che troppo facilmente puniva e ostracizzava chiunque non si adeguasse ai propri rigidi canoni social
- ISBN: 8811684161
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 840
- Data di uscita: 13-12-2012
***Spoiler alert. If you have read this book, please proceed. If you are never going to read this novel (be honest with yourself), then please proceed. If you may read this novel, but it may be decades in the future, then please proceed. Trust me, you are not going to remember, no matter how compell Leggi tutto
welcome to...ANNA DECEMBERENINA! it's the start of the month (kinda). i've attempted a (reprehensible) pun on a book title (to everyone's chagrin). there is a notoriously long classic on my currently reading (ill-advisedly). you know what that means. IT'S PROJECT LONG CLASSIC TIME, the fan favorite in Leggi tutto
In the beginning, reading Anna Karenin can feel a little like visiting Paris for the first time. You’ve heard a lot about the place before you go. Much of what you see from the bus you recognize from pictures and movies and books. You can’t help but think of the great writers and artists who have be Leggi tutto
This is a book that I was actually dreading reading for quite some time. It was on a list of books that I'd been working my way through and, after seeing the size of it and the fact that 'War And Peace' was voted #1 book to avoid reading, I was reluctant to ever get started. But am I glad that I did Leggi tutto
ساجعلكم تتعاطفون مع أسوأ نموذج بشريبل ستبكون من أجلها ايضا..هتف تولستوى لتولد رواية أشبه بالدولاب المزدحم المكدس بالاغراض..ما ان تفتحه فجأة حتى تقفز شخصيات كثيرة و غنية في وجهك..بجانب الثلاثي الشهير انا و أليكسي و اليكسي.. يوجد اربع أبطال اخرين..الفصول تبدا بالخيانة و لكنها خيانة رجل!!ثم تلطمك الاحد Leggi tutto
WARNING: This is not a strict book review, but rather a meta-review of what reading this book led to in my life. Please avoid reading this if you're looking for an in depth analysis of Anna Karenina. Thanks. I should also mention that there is a big spoiler in here, in case you've remained untouched Leggi tutto
As part of my reading challenge this year, I wanted to read at least one or two classics, and Anna Karenina was high on my list. It's considered by many to be one of the best novels ever written, and I've never read any Tolstoy. So even though it's a monster at more than 800 pages, I decided it's ti Leggi tutto
People are going to have to remember that this is the part of the review that is entirely of my own opinion and what I thought of the book, because what follows isn't entirely positive, but I hope it doesn't throw you off the book entirely and you still give it a chance. Now... my thoughts: I picked Leggi tutto