Il racconto dell'Ancella
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In un mondo devastato dalle radiazioni atomiche, gli Stati Uniti sono divenuti uno Stato totalitario, basato sul controllo del corpo femminile. Offred, la donna che appartiene a Fred, ha solo un compito nella neonata Repubblica di Gilead: garantire una discendenza alla élite dominante. Il regime monoteocratico di questa società del futuro, infatti, è fondato sullo sfruttamento delle cosiddette Ancelle, le uniche donne che dopo la catastrofe sono ancora in grado di procreare. Ma anche lo Stato più repressivo non riesce a schiacciare i desideri e da questo dipenderà la possibilità e, forse, il successo di una ribellione. Mito, metafora e storia si fondono per sferrare una satira energica contro i regimi totalitari. Ma non solo: c'è anche la volontà di colpire, con tagliente ironia, il cuore di una società meschinamente puritana che, dietro il paravento di tabù istituzionali, fonda la sua legge brutale sull'intreccio tra sessualità e politica. Quello che l'Ancella racconta sta in un tempo di là da venire, ma interpella fortemente il presente.
- ISBN: 8833312259
- Casa Editrice: Ponte alle Grazie
- Pagine: 400
- Data di uscita: 27-06-2019
06/24/22 These are dark times….. ‘I just don’t like her.’ ‘I heard she has a lot of emails.’ ‘But I really love Bernie! If I can’t have Bernie, I’m not voting for HER… I’m going to vote my conscience!’ Elections matter. This draconian decision overturning Roe endangers every woman of child baring age, Leggi tutto
I’ve been moved by books in the past, many times, but I’ve never before read a book that has emotionally drained me to such a degree. This is frightening and powerful. And sometimes it only takes a single paragraph to make you realise how much so: “Yes, Ma’am, I said again, forgetting. They used Leggi tutto
There are only a small handful of books that have affected me in a REALLY personal way. In a way that I always try to put into words and always, ultimately, fail. I have read a lot of books over the years and I've liked many, disliked plenty too, loved and hated a smaller amount... but out of the th Leggi tutto
(edited from a paper I wrote in college about the book) In 1986, when Margaret Atwood published The Handmaid’s Tale, Ronald Regan had declared “Morning in America,” and society was going to renew itself by returning to the old values. The Christian right, in its infancy at the time, was rising in rea Leggi tutto
Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale is a tale of terror as well as a warning. The dystopian future she describes in "Gilead" which appears to be centered in Boston (due to the reference to Mass Ave and the town of Salem) is chillingly misogynistic where women are reduced to strict categories: Mart Leggi tutto
This book focuses on a dystopian society where the child-bearing women are rounded up and forced to produce children for the barren Wives. This is an interesting book with flashbacks to the "before" period, the period before Gilead. It is also very interesting to know that this book was written more Leggi tutto
I don't even know where to start with this book?? I was not able to connect with the Characters in the book at all. It was a task to completely finish this book at all. I know I am in the minority, but I don't know what all the hype was with this book. I think that Atwood was long winded in her writin Leggi tutto