Come diventare buoni
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Che cosa significa essere buoni? Katie Carr non se l’è mai chiesto: una donna che ha scelto di diventare medico per aiutare gli altri e che ha cresciuto i figli seguendo i valori morali più profondi, non ha nemmeno bisogno di porsi la questione. Finché quella donna non tradisce il marito. E allora il marito, David, decide di dare una svolta alla propria vita: smette di essere «l’uomo più arrabbiato di Holloway» per diventare buono. Niente di più azzeccato, a questo punto, dell’entrata in scena di BuoneNuove. Piercing alle sopracciglia, una storia di droga alle spalle e tecniche di guarigione dello spirito e del corpo capaci di sfidare tutta la scienza medica, BuoneNuove aiuta David a mettere a punto strategie di bontà: lasagne prese dal congelatore di casa per sfamare i barboni, giocattoli sottratti ai figli e dati ai bambini meno fortunati e infine un bel manuale di istruzioni su come redistribuire le ricchezze nel mondo…
Spostando il suo sguardo arguto sui temi della famiglia e dell’amore, Nick Hornby mette a nudo, con ironia e una nota di amarezza, le nostre ipocrisie, le debolezze e le menzogne che non vorremmo ammettere.
- ISBN: 8823514290
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 304
- Data di uscita: 28-01-2016
I think "How to be Good" certainly divided fans of Hornby who were used to his musical themes in High Fidelity and 31 Songs and his style in About a Boy. He was given a lot of criticism for writing the book from the perspective of a middle aged female but this did not bother me in the slightest. In
London based doctor Katie Carr is kind of always pissed off with her politically Left leaning husband, David who is so angry with the world all the time; he even has a 'Mr Angry' column in the local newspaper. When David meets a faith healer DJ GoodNews (yup, that's his name!), Katie and their two c Leggi tutto
To say I didn't get this book would be a profound understatement. Near as I can tell, it's about all the terrible, mundane ways life can grind you down, how hypocracy gets all of us in the end, and the way what was once beloved can turn into what you hate in the ones you used to love. I found this bo Leggi tutto
how to be good As long time readers know (or maybe you don't) Maria and I read to each other. One of the joys of "naked Sunday" is the fact that we don't have to get up, spend the day wandering around the flat in our pyjamas (just 'cos it is called "naked Sunday" doesn't necessarily mean that we spen Leggi tutto
The last sentence of this book made me feel daft. I think I pretty much comprehended the majority of the book: the mild, slightly frantic despair that the main character feels over a marriage that is mutually dissatisfactory; the duplicitious and hypocritical nature of trying too hard to do good thi Leggi tutto
A Nick Hornby book through and through -- whatever that means to you! "A Long Way Down" is still my favorite. "About a Boy" is still my second favorite. And this book would bring up the back since I've only read three Hornby books. Even if it's lesser than these other two books, it still has that Ho Leggi tutto
How to Be Good could have appropriately been titled Who Gives a Shit? or How to be Good for Nothing because that's what Nick Hornby is with his cheesy writing style and trite observations.
Ok it's called "How to be Good", so I will try to be good. It's an interesting idea that doesn't go anywhere, and on that basis, it should have been written as a short story. Here's why it didn't go anywhere. The characters are one dimensional, there are no backstories, nothing is done with this mirac Leggi tutto
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