Nel mondo di Zoey i vampiri sono sempre esistiti e convivono con gli umani. Il Marchio è il simbolo che li contraddistingue e coloro che lo ricevono devono frequentare la Scuola della Notte, dove imparano a controllare i propri poteri e ad affrontare la delicatissima e pericolosa fase del Cambiamento. Quando Zoey riceve il Marchio ha sedici anni e per lei è come realizzare un sogno. Ma presto scoprirà che il suo Marchio è diverso, che è il segno di poteri quasi impensabili per una ragazza della sua età. Una diversità che rischia di pagare con la vita, perché le forze del Male la vogliono…
- ISBN: 8850220707
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 336
- Data di uscita: 24-04-2013
Read about half of it. Hated it. I'm returning the rest to the library. The authors tried to make so many references to pop culture, they sounded ridiculous, and then were even proud of themselves for "sounding like teenagers," as they stated in the preface. Dumb. They tried to make moral lessons out Leggi tutto
Oh, I liked this book SOOOOOOOOO much better than the Stephanie Meyer series--these kids are smarter, more diverse, less whiny and far more intersting. Add to that a new version of vampirism, and it's a completely winning combination. The story telling is top notch, the characters are interesting, a Leggi tutto
Okay, I'm going to be posting gifs on this review because this book was just too much. My overall expression after reading up to 150 pages: I wish I could give this 'no star' or something of the sort. I don't even know where to begin with this 'book'. It was retched, horrible, disdainful, etc. etc. P. Leggi tutto
Hypersexed, boy-crazy, annoying teens. Plus some uninteresting supernatural stuff every once in awhile. For a series that involves so many teenagers having sex, these books sure aren't very sexy.
About 5 years ago when I first read this series, I powered through them and while I recognised they were problematic, I still consider them a guilty pleasure (the books are just so BAD and fun) 1.5 stars are purely for how trashy/fun this book was. This was SUPER problematic though which made me cri Leggi tutto
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