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Mi chiamo Stevie Rae Johnson, ho diciassette anni e un tempo ero la migliore amica di Zoey Redbird, la prima Somma Sacerdotessa novizia della Storia. Adesso che mi sono trasformata in una vampira, però, ho paura di aver rovinato tutto. A una migliore amica non si dovrebbe nascondere nulla, giusto? Io, invece, non posso confidare a Zoey i miei segreti, perché ho fatto una cosa terribile: ho salvato la vita a uno dei nostri nemici, Rephaim, il capo dei demoni-corvo. Era ferito e l'ho curato. Quando inizierà a stare meglio, spero di convincerlo a voltare le spalle al Male e ad aiutarci…
- ISBN: 8850233108
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 410
- Data di uscita: 14-11-2013
Have you ever read a book that's so irritating you can't help but think, ' It would be great if most of the characters died right now, especially the main character because she sucks '? Possibly even go so far as consider writing and posting your own ending to said book on fanfiction.net? An ending in Leggi tutto
"Like, a lot of people like me and all, I'm important and shit, this god also does. Oh yeah, I have, like, three hawt guys after me. I seriously can't believe he - insert one of three guys name - would do that! It's his fault! Enough loving me already! Oh wait, I forgot, this sick thing happened, *i Leggi tutto
Still he was too late. The book with the two very important deaths and the shuttering of a very important soul. One of the best cliff-hangers that I have ever read. In a voice torn from her soul, and so filled with anguish Stark hardly recognized her, Zoey screamed, “No!” and threw the glowing b Leggi tutto
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