Tradotto da: Elisa Clelia Villa
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Abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio. Abbiamo combattuto con coraggio, tuttavia non siamo riusciti a sconfiggere Neferet. E la ex Somma Sacerdotessa si è introdotta di nascosto nella Casa della Notte... Perciò, ora che il sindaco di Tulsa è stato trovato morto in una pozza di sangue, non ho dubbi: è stata lei a ucciderlo. Eppure la polizia non mi crede ed è convinta che il colpevole sia uno di noi novizi. Adesso siamo tutti bloccati qui, mentre Neferet si aggira indisturbata per la città. Ma io, Zoey Redbird, prima Somma Sacerdotessa novizia della Storia, non ho intenzione di restare a guardare. Devo fermarla. Anche a costo di violare le leggi umane e dei vampiri. Anche a costo di uccidere...
- ISBN: 8850241151
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 346
- Data di uscita: 29-10-2015
The most entertaining part of this series has always been and will always be the reactions of twelve year old girls who complain about us "haters" and demand that we stop reading their series if we don't like it. (view spoiler) [Of course Erin dies. She’s not one of the gang anymore; therefore she’s an evil bimbo th (hide spoiler)] Leggi tutto
Can't wait until this book comes out! Hidden was amazing. I don't get why people hate on this series so much, but I love it, myself. I cannot wait. Was there anyone else doing some serious what-the-hell-ing throughout Hidden, when it came to Erin and Nicole and not to mention when Neferet looked in
Oh for Pete's sake, is this the last FUCKING one yet?? 2.5 stars
I really want the continuation. I have read this series twice because I stopped somewhere on book 8 for too long and when I decided to come back to it I had to refresh my memory. The series is not repetitive. And is amazingly creative although I wish the goddess would intervene more. Nevertheless th Leggi tutto
I don't ever want this series to end! I don't understand why everyone wants this to be the last book. This is such a great series, cute characters, love and mystery and mythology all wrapped into one. Of course I'm excited to see how it ends, but I don't want that to happen for a LONG time.
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