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Sofia non sta sognando quando vede oltre la finestra la sagoma di un gigante avvolto in un lungo mantello nero. È l'Ora delle Ombre e una mano enorme la strappa dal letto e la trasporta nel Paese dei Giganti. Come la mangeranno, cruda, bollita o fritta? Per fortuna il Grande Gigante Gentile, il GGG, è vegetariano e mangia solo cetrionzoli; non come i suoi terribili colleghi, l'Inghiotticicciaviva o il Ciuccia-budella, che ogni notte s'ingozzano di popolli, cioè di esseri umani. Per fermarli, Sofia e il GGG inventano un piano straordinario, in cui sarà coinvolta nientemeno che la Regina d'Inghilterra. Età di lettura: da 8 anni.
- ISBN: 886256225X
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 224
- Data di uscita: 10-06-2010
Don't gobblefunk around with words. This entire book was a gobblefunk of words. Snapperwhippers and babblement and crockadowndillies. My inner grumpy adult came out about 1/2 way through the book - just say what you mean! Meanings is not important, said the BFG. I cannot be right a
Two wrongs don’t make a right WHAT A BOOK IT WAS ! What an ending it was! I can't control my emotions. I haven't felt anything like this before. I haven't read a children book like this. I am soo happy by reading this. I am soo in love with the characters. Or writing. Or everything whic
“We is in Dream Country,' the BFG said. 'This is where all dreams is beginning.” I love the BFG, as a child this was one of my favourite books (and films.) There’s just something captivating about the story, about how a mystical creature could appear in your bedroom in the middle of the night an Leggi tutto
REVIEW TO COME This is going to be a mini review. 'Sometimes, on a very clear night,' the BFG said, 'and if I is swiggling my ears in the right direction'-and here he swivelled his great ears upwards so they were facing the ceiling - 'if I is swiggling them like this and the night is very clear, I is Leggi tutto
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