Scarpe azzurre e felicità
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La signora Precious Ramotswe, fondatrice della Ladies' Detective Agency N. 1 del Botswana, deve affrontare alcune scomode vicende dai risvolti inquietanti: un appropriamento indebito di provviste alimentari; un ricatto; un medico disonesto che trascura la salute dei pazienti... E, come sempre, le indagini rappresentano per la detective anche un'occasione per approfondire i complicati meccanismi che muovono i comportamenti umani, soprattutto quelli delle persone a lei più vicine: il marito JLB Matekoni, con la testa sempre tra i motori; la direttrice dell'orfanotrofio, decisa e altruista; il nuovo collaboratore Polopetsi, pasticcione e volenteroso; l'immancabile occhialuta signorina Makutsi, sua assistente, che perde la testa per un paio di vistose scarpe azzurre. Tra loro, la signora Ramotswe si muove a proprio agio come una grossa dea dell'abbondanza, rassicurante e affidabile, intelligente e granitica...
Scarpe azzurre e felicità è il 7° caso della Ladies' Detective Agency N. 1, ma può essere letto e apprezzato indipendentemente dall'ordine della serie.
- ISBN: 8850217404
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 256
- Data di uscita: 10-09-2009
Five new shoe happy stars for Lisette Lecat and her top notch narration once again. I am totally addicted to listening to these beautiful Botswana tales in audio form. Three new shoe are-they-the-right-size stars to the narrative. I do love Mma Ramatswe with her "tiny white van" and her "traditional Leggi tutto
Oh! How I just love this series! I am sure that literally anyone could find something to admire and savour about these books. They are so enjoyable. I hope they carry on for the foreseeable future. Sometimes, all you need is the comfort and this series has that in bucketloads. I remember seeing a co Leggi tutto
This is the sixth book in the "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series that I have read. This book was so much fun for me, not just because it is a easy read and a fun story, but it has so many memories. I love that I know what the hot Botwana sun feels like , or what Kigale hill looks like, or that I Leggi tutto
4 Stars. Here's something we don't experience in Canada. I've entertained wild bears with ABBA songs along the roadside in northern British Columbia, and seen a moose try to run through a baseball backscreen in central Ontario, but a cobra in one's office? Botswana is delightfully different. Assista Leggi tutto
It's been a long time since I last enjoyed the #1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. Blue Shoes and Happiness by Alexander McCall Smith is the 7th book in this entertaining series, featuring the wonderful Botswana detective Precious Ramotswe. Precocious operates her detective agency with her capable as Leggi tutto
It still amazes me that a series of detective stories with no suspense, and no great mysteries can actually work, but McCall Smith manages to make it work. Reading these books is like visiting old friends that you know so well that they don't surprise you any more, but you enjoy their company. I thi Leggi tutto
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