![copertina Un miracolo nel Botswana](https://img.illibraio.it/images/9788850226306_92_310_0_75.jpg)
Un miracolo nel Botswana
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Non è solo la siccità che affligge il suo Botswana a impensierire Precious Ramotswe. Sembra impossibile, ma qualcuno ce l'ha con la più famosa detective dell'Africa. La sua assistente, la valida Grace Makutsi, ha scoperto nella corrispondenza una lettera minatoria, rigorosamente anonima. Benché preoccupata, la signora Ramotswe non può perdere troppo tempo e si tuffa nelle indagini di un nuovo caso, quello di una giovane donna adottata che vuole scoprire se qualche suo consanguineo è ancora vivo. E poi c'è un dolore di fondo. Il signor JLB Matekoni, buon marito e bravo meccanico, è perso dietro a un sogno: si aggrappa alla speranza che, grazie a un costoso miracolo, Motholeli, la figlia adottiva, possa tornare a camminare. Precious, però, riesce a muoversi con grazia anche in mezzo ai problemi, sa prendersi i suoi tempi, seduta a meditare, ma sa anche sfrecciare sul mitico e scalcagnato furgoncino bianco, se occorre. Ed è in grado di riconoscere i miracoli, quando li vede...
Un miracolo nel Botswana è il 9° caso della Ladies' Detective Agency N. 1, ma può essere letto e apprezzato indipendentemente dall'ordine della serie.
- ISBN: 8850226306
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 240
- Data di uscita: 15-09-2011
This is another slow-moving tale of Precious Rawotse, her assistant, Mma Makutsi, her husband, and others in the continuing cast. As usual, not much goes on, but we get to spend a little more time with comfortable personalities and continue our slow look at Smith’s idea of Botswana. In this one, Pre Leggi tutto
To read a book in this series is to take a mini-vacation. The world seems calmer, the people more noble and kind, the pace of life relaxingly slow. The mysteries that form the plot of this novel -- and its companions in the series -- are beside the point. It's the time spent with Mma Ramotswe, her l Leggi tutto
Really loved this one so much! There are three "cases" and each is very different. Meanwhile Mma Ramotswe drives her tiny van around. Mma Makutsi still has conversations with her shoes. Charlie the apprentice is still looking at women's bottoms (which comes in handy this time). After a rainstorm, th Leggi tutto
"Mrs. Moffat had taken her hand for comfort, and they had sat there in silence for awhile. Sometimes it seemed as if the world itself was broken, that there was something wrong with all of us, something broken in such a way that it might not be put together again; but the holding of hands, human han Leggi tutto
These books surprised me, because most detectives investigate murders and stuff, and I hate murder mysteries. A lot. (Sorry, Jen. I love you!) No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, though, are just consistently feel-good, introspective character studies and pools of knowledge about human nature. On top of Leggi tutto
What a lovely visit with friends! Smith conveys a warmth in the series that is ignited with every book.
I love this series by Alexander McCall Smith. Each entry is charming, witty, and compassionate in its understanding of human frailties and human relationships. Each one is such a pleasure to read that the reader dreads coming to the end. The mysteries that Precious Ramotswe solves are not grand and i Leggi tutto
The 9th book in the series, but the 1st I've listened to as an audiobook, and I've decided it's the only way to do it! I love the language and the dialect of these books, but hearing how names and places are actually pronounced took it to a while new level! The reader sounds like Helen Mirren, and s Leggi tutto
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