Tradotto da: Valentina Daniele
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Alto come due cavalli, occhi infuocati, artigli affilati come rasoi. L'Ickabog sta arrivando...
C’era una volta un regno chiamato Cornucopia. Una minuscola nazione ricca e prospera, famosa per i suoi formaggi, gli ottimi vini, i dolci deliziosi e le salsicce succulente. Sul trono siede un sovrano benevolo, Re Teo il Temerario, le cui giornate trascorrono pigre, tra banchetti sontuosi e battute di caccia, con la fida compagnia dei suoi lord, Scaracchino e Flappone.
Tutto è perfetto… O quasi. Secondo la leggenda, infatti, un terribile mostro è in agguato nelle Paludi del Nord. Ogni persona di buonsenso sa che l’Ickabog è solo una leggenda inventata per spaventare i bambini. Ma le leggende sono strane e a volte prendono una vita propria…Quando questo accade, toccherà a due giovani amici, Robi e Margherita, affrontare un’incredibile avventura e svelare una volta per tutte dove si nasconde il vero mostro. Solo così speranza e felicità potranno tornare a Cornucopia.
Una fiaba straordinaria, scritta da una delle più grandi narratrici di sempre, sul potere della speranza, dell’amicizia e della verità e il loro trionfo a dispetto di ogni sventura. Una storia che piccoli e grandi lettori vorranno leggere e rileggere in un’edizione regalo, arricchita dalle illustrazioni a colori dei giovani vincitori del Torneo per le illustrazioni dell’Ickabog.
- ISBN: 8831006703
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 10-11-2020
As a member of the LGBTQ community myself I don't see anything wrong with JK Rowling's comments and I agree with her! She didn't say anything harmful at all. People are just SO freaking sensitive these days. This ''cancel-culture'' thing is so tiring. As she said herself, there's opinions & there's
Yeah, on reflection I’m not going to be able to keep reading this. The author keeps doubling down on transphobic rhetoric that’s harmful and I can’t in good conscience enjoy a lighthearted children’s story in that context.
This is supposed to be a reviewing site of the BOOKS!! Not a political platform for ppl who don't support women's rights. As always JK has done a magical job of drawing you into this fantasy world. Love, love, LOVED IT and will be buying it to read over n over again. This was the smile in my endless Leggi tutto
I’m currently on chapter 20, and while I usually refrain from rating a book till I’ve finished it, “The Ickabog” really is that good: despite being a fairytale aimed for younger children, it has not failed to capture my imagination. I loved the detailed and fascinating descriptions of the Kingdom of Leggi tutto
Once again Rowling did it, never afraid to write about grown-up problems and serious themes for children. I've never expected any less from her. Can't wait to get my physical copy! Hatred brings only more hatred - a lesson everyone should've learnt as a child but unfortunately many grown-ups can ben Leggi tutto
I solemly swear to never again give JKR a single cent of my hard earned money. EDIT - JAN/27/2021: This video by a trans woman was published just yesterday and it is fantastic. I don't expect the people who create fake accounts just so they can troll anonymously to really watch it or understand it
After everything JK Rowling has said I couldn't bring myself to finish this. And the story was boring anyway.
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