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Nel 1944, alla vigilia di uno degli scontri navali decisivi per la risoluzione del secondo conflitto mondiale, Philip Bowman è un sottotenente della Marina militare americana di stanza nel Pacifico. È l’esordio avventuroso di una vicenda umana che si dipana per quarant’anni, in una sorprendente ricchezza di scenari, incontri ed esperienze. Dal Giappone a New York, dove Bowman diventa editor in una piccola casa editrice; alla Virginia delle grandi proprietà terriere e delle vecchie tradizioni; a Londra, cuore pulsante di una «geografia editoriale» fatta di contatti e affinità personali; alla Spagna, teatro di una esaltante passione amorosa. A scandire il racconto, una galleria di ritratti femminili cui corrispondono altrettanti modi di intendere e vivere l’amore. Sullo sfondo il tributo ai libri, perché, forse, solo la scrittura è in grado di salvare quel che conta nella vita.
- ISBN: 8823515831
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 364
- Data di uscita: 12-05-2016
I found this book deeply annoying, mostly for its embedded misogyny but also for its dull protagonist and narrative torpor. The perspective drifts frequently; we enter the thoughts of more than a dozen minor characters but never any of the protagonist’s women, except for a few paragraphs late in the Leggi tutto
The people who review 'All That Is' as though they expect to find "all things fair and proper," are missing the point about Salter. Think of hims as a painter - Like Degas or Vermeer - and you'll find the path. I was lucky enough to hear him interviewed on Thursday night at the Irish Art Center, and Leggi tutto
I've read a lot of James Salter recently and this probably is my least favourite. The writing here on the whole is less inspired than in his other books. And there's not much plot. It's an attempt to narrate the life of one man throughout his adult life (his childhood is mysteriously omitted). Bowma Leggi tutto
Having read this book in short order, I took some time afterward to let it wash over--certain I had missed something. Is the grand statement embedded in the title: All That Is? Is this dull cycle of lust, bordeom, and betrayal all that there is in life? If that's the message, then Salter is a bit la Leggi tutto
I'm afraid I failed to finish this one. I got about a third of the way through and had enjoyed some of the writing and some sections had actually been really good, but the problem for me was twofold: 1) I just didn’t care enough about the lead character who seemed dull and was plodding through life a Leggi tutto
All That Is was my introduction to James Salter. I suppose the ultimate worth test of any novel, upon finishing it, is do I want to read another one of his books? The answer to this is, yes. Yes but not in a mad hurry of love. His prose is almost like underwriting – sketched impressions that flit wi Leggi tutto
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