Una perfetta felicità
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In una grande casa vittoriana sulle rive dell’Hudson, Viri e Nedra conducono un’esistenza che sfiora la perfezione: due figlie, una cerchia di amici interessanti, cene raffinate, buona musica, giornate passate a prendere il sole. Tutto, all’interno di quel microcosmo, è studiato nei minimi particolari, eppure più fragile di quanto appaia, inadeguato a reggere l’urto degli anni, della noia, delle ambizioni frustrate. Sulla superficie di un matrimonio felice si aprono crepe sottili: un’altra vita, segreta, preme per venire allo scoperto, e per ciascuno la posta in gioco è la conquista di sé.
- ISBN: 8823513472
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 378
- Data di uscita: 25-02-2016
A brilliant modern classic, subtly devastating and deceptively bleak beneath the luscious sentences. (picture by Jerome Charaoui (Charaj)) Review in progress and hopefully ready when meeting with the book club in May.
This is a portrait of marriage. I felt very touched by the lives he describes, not so much for their own travails, but in recognition of my own. There is such sadness in expectations unfulfilled. Our lives do not follow the script we write as inexperienced authors of our lives. We drift apart, do no Leggi tutto
Light Years is a novel about a marriage and about home – home only sometimes the place where the heart is. Salter focuses on a couple who usually have a supporting role in other novels. The kind of restless, disaffected, showy, promiscuous couple who provide an inkling that there’s something rotten Leggi tutto
“There are really two kinds of life. There is the one people believe you are living, and there is the other. It is the other which causes the trouble, this other we long to see.” This is the second novel in a row I’ve read that calls attention to the idea of deception. In this case, the deception is Leggi tutto
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