Ogni cosa è illuminata
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PICCOLI GRANDI LIBRI DA LEGGERE, RISCOPRIRE, COLLEZIONARE. LE BUSSOLE GUANDA. Con una vecchia fotografia in mano, un giovane studente, che si chiama Jonathan Safran Foer, visita l'Ucraina per trovare Augustine, la donna che può aver salvato suo nonno dai nazisti. Jonathan è accompagnato nella sua ricerca da un coetaneo ucraino, Alexander Perchov, detto Alex. Alex lavora per l'agenzia di viaggi di famiglia, insieme a suo nonno che, a dispetto di una cecità psicosomatica fa l'autista, e in compagnia di una cagnetta maleodorante, chiamata Sammy Davis Jr Jr, in onore del cantante preferito dal nonno.
- ISBN: 8823507634
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 512
- Data di uscita: 16-01-2014
Sometimes reading makes me so angry Dammit. I’m a freaking mess. I realize this and I accept it. Ugh. Why, Jonathan Safran Foer? Why? Why do you do this to me? And why the hell are you so young? I know that some call you gimmicky and think that you are just a phosphoresce in the pannikin (yes, I, too, h Leggi tutto
Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated (Dutton, 2002) My, what a clever novel! In any case, that, I imagine, is what Jonathan Safran Foer kept saying as he was writing this. And really, much about it is clever. The comparisons to A Clockwork Orange are completely unwarranted, as Alex, Foer's Leggi tutto
I watched the movie of this first and loved it. It was basically a movie about cultural misunderstanding and how people can be cruel without really knowing it. It is a story about what happens when you put an American and someone born out of the Soviet era in the same room and try to make them expla Leggi tutto
welcome back to project 5 star , in which i ill-advisedly pick up books i remember fondly and put them to the test of my current evil mind. and, well. i'd like to apologize for 18 year old me. she knew not what she'd wrought. this does have moments of true loveliness and piercing observations of the hum Leggi tutto
The last book for the American Novel Since 1945! Personally, I ended up loving this book, but I fully respect and understand those that hate it. I see you! Everything is Illuminated is about an American named Jonathan Safran Foer who is visiting Ukraine. He has a goal to find Augustine, a woman pictur Leggi tutto
One of the nice things about being stoned is the added dimension of humor or profundity that otherwise inconsequential things can assume in our impression of them. I remember once having my mind blown at the idea of language, and how any two unrelated people, having been raised in the same country a Leggi tutto
Cineva a inițiat pe vremuri un concurs pornind de la îndemnul: „Rezumați într-o propoziție cît mai scurtă romanul lu Marcel Proust În căutarea timpului pierdut ...”. Cel care a cîștigat întrecerea a propus acest enunț minimal: „Marcel învață să scrie”. I-aș urma exemplul și aș rezuma romanul lui Foer Leggi tutto
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