Come fare la cacca al lavoro
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I manuali che insegnano a sfondare nel mondo del lavoro dimenticano un particolare fondamentale: andare in bagno all'interno dell'azienda può segnare la fine della vostra scalata al successo. Questa rivoluzionaria guida pratica espone TUTTI gli insidiosi problemi e le soluzioni possibili per fare la cacca al lavoro in totale sicurezza, addirittura traendone benefici per la carriera. Alcune situazioni potenzialmente pericolose: • lo sciacquone non funziona • è finita la carta igienica • fate MOLTO rumore • siete colti in flagrante • la signora delle pulizie vi blocca l’entrata ... e molte altre circostanze esplosive - corredate di utili illustrazioni - che imparerete a superare con disinvoltura grazie ai consigli dell’esperto e alle testimonianze di chi ha già fatto centro. IMPOSSIBILE FARNE A MENO, IMPOSSIBILE FARLA SENZA!
- ISBN: 8862129580
- Casa Editrice: Magazzini Salani
- Pagine: 144
- Data di uscita: 12-09-2013
If only I’d read this book first …… About a month ago I found myself in a situation at work whereby I just didn’t know what to do. I desperately needed a dump. I could hold it, but not for long. You’ve been there, I’m sure. The toilet’s situated in the corridor and I’d been watching the comings and go Leggi tutto
Boring and repetitive.
This book has changed my life. Never again shall I panic when I must do the unmentionable outside of the comfort of my home. This book has covered every possible scenario and then some. Broken toilet? Check Chatty boss? Check Attacked by toilet spider? No, but I'm sure it'll be added in a sequel. (Happe Leggi tutto
This is a book that one doesn't want to like but one can easily identify with. Going to the bathroom at work is an aspect of contemporary culture that draws a lot of problems. As someone who, for rather personal reasons, tends to take a fair amount of time on the stool when I go to the bathroom, thi Leggi tutto
At first, I was like 'who could possibly write this kind of books!' then I saw it as a gift for a friend. I admit I had to read it first, I was too curious, well, I've never laughed so much whilst reading a book!! Money well spent! very useful too I must admit, I hate partitions toilets! Cant wait t Leggi tutto
Joking about a serious topic Indeed the WC usage at work is lying somewhere in between Tom Cruise hanging on the ropes in the heart of CIA and ancient ninja art. Joking about it can only be tolerated if it is funny, however, I laughed more when I had uncontrollable farts from a spoiled burrito, altho Leggi tutto
The reason for this books existence could be for a number of reasons. 1. It’s designed as a self-help book filled with useful strategies for the unwary pooper 2. It’s full of laugh out loud situations to entertain the reader but doesn’t present any real life solutions 3. It uses the word Poo to appeal Leggi tutto
This is garbage. Big fan of toilet humor here. Any form of comedy, really - but this book had ONE TASK: to be funny. And it failed miserably . I will do my best not to sound overly dramatic and give a balanced, objective point of view, but with careful consideration, I have to say that this is the wor Leggi tutto
Even as a joke book, I still got bored quickly by it. You definitely know what you're getting from the title, but a lot of it just becomes repetitive, even only reading small bits at a time (like when you're using the toilet). Credit to the authors for getting it published, but yeah certainly not my Leggi tutto
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