Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue
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Sesto appuntamento con la saga che ha appassionato bambini, ragazzi e lettori di tutte le età. Harry Potter è solo, sconvolto e preoccupato. Il suo amato padrino Sirius Black è morto, e le parole di Albus Silente sulla profezia gli confermano che lo scontro con Lord Voldemort è ormai inevitabile. Niente è più come prima: l'ultimo legame con la sua famiglia è troncato, perfino Hogwarts non è più la dimora accogliente dei primi anni, mentre Voldemort è più forte, crudele e disumano che mai. Harry stesso sa di essere cambiato. La frustrazione e il senso di impotenza dei quindici anni hanno ceduto il posto a una fermezza e a una determinazione diverse, più adulte. Ma quali sconvolgenti imprese lo attenderanno quest'anno? Età di lettura: da 8 anni.
- ISBN: 8862562829
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 608
- Data di uscita: 01-07-2010
i dont want to talk to anyone dont even look at me i was expecting it and i still cried for like 30 minutes
2023: Jak co reread, to mój ulubieniec. 2021: Wiedziałam czego się spodziewać, a zakończenie i tak złamało mi serce.
"5. Should you feel that a family member, colleague, friend, or neighbor is acting in a strange manner, contact the Magical Law Enforcement Squad at once. They may have been put under the Imperius Curse." Time for interesting little subplots is over. We've arrived finally, where everything is closely Leggi tutto
I'm not sure why, but this one took me completely by surprise. I was expecting this installment to be mainly filler to get us to the Deathly Hallows, but so much happened here that I must have forgotten from the movie. The Half-Blood prince was considerably darker than the previous 5 books, and I ju Leggi tutto
Welcome to my re-read of the phenomenal series “Harry Potter”. 🤓⚡️I'm reading the books, listening to a fun (adult) podcast and watching the movies. ❤️📚🎧🎬 ⚠️This review contains spoilers⚠️ If you don’t yet know: *why the elf made wine is the one to try tonight *why the dragons blood is a bit dusty *why Leggi tutto
I’m yet to mention one of the most important characters in this series in a review. I’m, of course, talking about Severus Snape. Severus, the unsung hero. Severus, who sacrificed his own soul. Severus, who loved another more than life itself. Severus, the half-blood prince- the truth about his charac Leggi tutto
I was first introduced to Harry Potter in a Children’s Lit class in college. I had resisted this popular phenomenon until I was forced to pick it up for a grade, and Book 1 was short enough that I could read it in the course of 2 hours. I have to admit I wasn’t impressed to any extent, nor did I dis Leggi tutto
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