Il Quidditch attraverso i secoli
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Se vi siete mai domandati l'origine del Boccino d'Oro, da dove siano spuntati i Bolidi e perché i Wigtown Wanderers abbiano l'immagine di una mannaia d'argento sulla divisa, allora "Il Quidditch attraverso i secoli" è il libro che fa per voi. Questa edizione limitata è una copia del volume custodito nella Biblioteca di Hogwarts e consultato quasi quotidianamente dai giovani tifosi del Quidditch.
- ISBN: 8869182584
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 82
- Data di uscita: 16-07-2015
Is there anything more quintessential than Quidditch? This short book written by Kennilworthy Whisp (aka JK Rowling) delves into the history of Quidditch. From the humble beginnings of brooms to the history of the quaffle to the formation of the Quidditch teams - this book has it all. Now, this is
Game On!!! GO TEAM! I didn't know what to expect about this book written by the magical J.K. Rowling about the "history" of the magic sport of Quidditch. However, I was happily surprised that while some chapters explaining the rules of the "sport" are kinda tiresome, they were the few, since ot
This was sadly my least favorite book from the Harry Potter universe. It was still enjoyable to listen to since even "the least interesting from HP" is still HP.
To reveal the Qudditch Through the Ages...You'll be enlightened with a brief bits of the History of Magic itself.. Whether it is based on TRUE EVENTS or totally from the "moste creativee mindee of Joanna Rowling" - which I start ,after her Potter saga and these related books, to believe that it's rea Leggi tutto
Full review can be found here: For every Harry Potter fan out there, there is a book in the fictional library, that somehow wizards allowed for it to be shared with us muggles. Note: I am not a muggle, I am, of course, a wizard, but I believe Hogwarts has mad Leggi tutto
Es ist einfach der Wahnsinn, was J.K. Rowling für eine Fantasie besitzt. So ein detailreiches Handbuch über die Geschichte des Quidditch im Wandel der Zeiten mit vielen verschiedenen Spielern, Mannschaften und Anekdoten. Dieses Büchlein enthält darüber hinaus auch einige liebevoll skizzierte Zeichnu Leggi tutto
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