![copertina L'ultimo oracolo](https://img.illibraio.it/images/9788850251278_92_310_0_75.jpg)
L'ultimo oracolo
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Washington. Un senzatetto si avvicina a Grayson Pierce, direttore della Sigma – una sezione occulta del dipartimento della Difesa statunitense –, allunga una mano… e muore colpito da un proiettile. Quell’uomo non voleva l’elemosina, ma consegnare a Pierce un’antica moneta greca raffigurante il tempio dell’Oracolo di Delfi. Indagando sulla vittima, Grayson scopre che quel reperto è la chiave per far luce su un misterioso esperimento avviato dai nazisti e proseguito durante la Guerra Fredda. Forse un’équipe russa ha individuato un modo per manipolare e potenziare le facoltà di alcuni bambini autistici trasformandoli in soggetti con capacità straordinarie ma molto pericolose…
- ISBN: 8850251270
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 460
- Data di uscita: 12-07-2018
The Last Oracle is the 5th book in the Sigma Force series written by James Rollins. Years ago, I read a lot of thriller/suspense novels that focused on archaeological discoveries, ancient curses, and international espionage, but for some reason I stopped. Earlier this year, I began incorporating the Leggi tutto
Impossível não gostar dos livros deste autor. Os livros da coleção Sigma Force revelam sempre temas que se encontram perdidos na história. Este livro não foi exceção, como é que uma moeda encontrada irá revelar tantos segredos escondidos? Como é que uma moeda poderá ser a chave para desvendar histor Leggi tutto
4 Stars to an Old Friend When I picked up The Last Oracle as my next read, I didn't realize that it had been nearly two years since I read the previous book in the Sigma Series. I was quite surprised to see how far I had fallen behind. Absence, as they say, only made the heart grow fonder. Pickin
প্রসঙ্গ- জেমস রলিন্স ও সিগমা ফোর্সঃ জেমস রলিন্সের ব্যপারে কোনও একটা অনলাইন ম্যাগাজিনে পড়েছিলাম, "James Rollins is everything that Dan Brown wants to be." সেসময় রলিন্সের লেখার সাথে পরিচিত ছিলাম না বলে তেমন গুরুত্ব দেইনি কথাটায়। তবে কয়েকটি স্ট্যান্ড আলোন এবং সিগমা ফোর্স সিরিজের বইগুলো পড়ার পর, কিছ Leggi tutto
বের হবার আগেই, বই পড়ে ফেলার একটা আলাদা মজা আছে। তা অনুবাদ-ই হোক আর মৌলিক। সেই সাথে যদি সুখপাঠ্য হয়...তাহলে বলাই বাহুল্য। :) Leggi tutto
A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!! O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G!!
Read out of sequence good but for me a little jerky in the ideas.
Al momento non ci sono citazioni, inserisci tu la prima!