Dovunque tu vada, ci sei già
Tradotto da: Giorgio Arduin
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La consapevolezza è considerata l’elemento centrale della meditazione buddista, ma la sua essenza è universale e di profonda utilità pratica per tutti. Essenzialmente la consapevolezza è essere sempre vigili e, malgrado sia caratteristico della nostra mente innestare il pilota automatico e perdere il contatto con l’unico momento, quello presente, di cui effettivamente disponiamo per vivere, sentire, crescere, amare, dare forma alle cose o guarire, essa possiede anche l’innata capacità di destarsi al «qui e ora».
In questo libro Jon Kabat-Zinn traccia un percorso semplice per coltivare la consapevolezza nella nostra vita. Come un giardino esige cure attente se vogliamo coltivare fiori e non vederlo invaso dalle erbacce, così la consapevolezza richiede interventi regolari.
L’autore si rivolge sia a chi si avvicina alla meditazione per la prima volta, sia ai praticanti di lunga data e a chiunque sia interessato a recuperare la ricchezza dei propri momenti. Solo grazie alla meditazione, che è appunto l’essere presenti a se stessi, possiamo vivere invece che lasciarci vivere. La meditazione è infatti il processo finalizzato ad approfondire attenzione e lucidità e a metterle in atto nella vita.
- ISBN: 886700655X
- Casa Editrice: Corbaccio
- Pagine: 224
- Data di uscita: 03-10-2019
Dear Brother , When you first asked me about how to practice meditation (was it last week?), I gave you a few vague answers and then dismissed it from my mind, thinking that while it is impressive that you consider it seriously, it is not really vital to you right now. But, yesterday when you spoke a Leggi tutto
I think this guy may go down as a historical figure. He was the prime mover in turning meditation into a mainstream, secular, scientifically tested way to rewire your brain for happiness. This is a great book for beginners and the curious.
This is a particularly nice guidance book on meditation and mindfulness. I especially like Zinn's focus on "non-doing," which has nothing to do with being lazy or indolent, but the ability to "simply let things be and allowing them to unfold in their own way" (44). In short, this is the art of mindf Leggi tutto
You can read this book if you are interested to understand more about mindfulness meditation. A simple explanation of mindfulness meditation. "Nothing happens next. This is it." Mindfulness meditation. Nothing complicated. This is it. This is it. And this is it.
A solid book for those interested in learning about and pursuing mindfulness. I have no experience with anything related to meditation aside from watching yoga commercials and hearing my mom talk about Buddha, but this book broke down my preconceptions and replaced them with tangible ways to improve Leggi tutto
“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.” So I like the title of this book that the author, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, reading it aloud in a ten year anniversary e Leggi tutto
I have been so conflicted on how to rate this book. Its central message is that whatever you focus on now, whatever takes up your time and wherever your thoughts wander, is exactly where you are going in life. It is of little use to idly wish of a future vision for yourself unless you put in the gro Leggi tutto
If you want to know how to actually live in the present moment, then this book is for you I have become more midnful of my thoughts and actions, and the amount of time I spend daydreaming or assuming what someone or something else's reality is. Instead, I allow those thoughts to pass quickly, without Leggi tutto
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